And the Vacation Starts...

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Chapter 19
~• Yes, Alex Finally gives in. But bad timing, right after Cristiano cheats on her. (Not in this chapter)•~
Two Months Later...
The summer is almost ending, so I've decided to take one of my vaction this year. Katherine said we have 3 vaction selection in total. Cristiano told me to take it now because he wanted to take me somewhere. My bags have been already packed. Am currently waiting for Cristiano to pick me up. I fixed my hair slipped on my white vans, sprayed a little bit of purfume. I checked if I needed anything. The door bell ringed as I fixed everything in my bag.
"Babe is me open up."I squealed at the sound of my baby. As I opened the door I greeted him with a kiss and no surprise. He kissed me back but picked me up a little. He didn't let go, he just gave me a passionate kiss.
"Hi."I whispered, I was the one to release the beauty.
"Hey sexy, you ready to go to Italy."He said Italy in a very funny spanish voice. I laughed at him but nodded. I grabbed my sweater and the gentlemen that he is, he grabbed my suitcase. His driver put my suitcase in the back of the car, Cristiano opended the door for me I went inside and he did the same. The car was pretty slient but then he spoke.
"I hope you love it."
"No am going to hate."I said with sarcasm, be I think he didn't notice it because his face turned very sad mixed with serious.
"Am kidding baby."I give him a kiss and playful Cristiano comes back which makes me smiles.
"Alex I have to tell you something."He turns serious again and I give him what-is-look.
"Your meeting me whole entire family on this trip."It looks like a ton of bricks came off his shoulders and I started to laugh. The thought of meeting Cristiano's WHOLE family made me laugh. But then my laughter turn into a small panic attack.  But then I started to ramble.
"Cristiano what if they don't like me? What if they think am a hoe? That only dates you because of your money?" I barely could breathe all pf these question where hitting me. I really want his family to like me.
"Slow down Alex, my family is not like that. They won't judge you."He smiles, I feel a but of relief but still I have a knot in my stomah telling me that something bad is going to happen.
The driver slowly stopped, in front of a jet.
"I thought we were going to take the normal way there?"Cristiano grabbed my hand as we made are way up the stairs inside of the jet. Which let me say was sexy as hell. The cream wall and the leather seats, the tables that had champagne, the wooden doors that were probably a bathroom and something else and the carpeted floor. And the long seats against one side of the jet. I was smiling at this point. But Cristiano was laughing at my reaction. I sat down on one of the seat, tried my best to get comfortable since this is going to be more that an hour plan ride.
"Most girls who I bring in here would say that this isn't enough."He whispers, he looks a bit sad but I reached for his hand making him look at me.
"I don't care about the money or the jets or the huge penthouses. As long has I have you am perfectly fine. I love you Cristiano and you know that."I finish my sentecn with a kiss. He pulls me closer so now am on his lap. But I quickly get off the moment I hear a cough.
"Sorry sir but we're ready to take off."I saw the embrassment in the pliot's eyes. Cristiano didn't say anything he just nodded. I gave Cristiano a akward smile and he shook is head chuckling. There was a moment of slience as Cristiano put my seatbelt on and his, as the plane rose of the ground I looked outside the window seeing the runway speed up. And the one second later we were off the ground. I quickly shut the window, me and heights weren't the best of friends. I think Cristiano notice that because he suggested to switch seats with me. Which I quickly agreed on. I put up the arm rester and rested my head on his broad shoulders are fingers tangled together and my feet under my butt. I was in a comfortable position with my favorite person in the world. We where 45 minutes in the air and my stomach was already grumbling. I didn't even need to tell Cristiano, he quickly got up making me get up too. And the happiest thing happened on this place so far. He brought me to the food. I grabbed whatever I could hold. Cristiano was just laughing at me. Leaning against the wall watching me as if I was a child in the chocolate factory. Which in this case I was. But in the end I had a turkey sandwich that was in a plastic container, ginger ale, doritos and hersey's. All of this fitted in my arms. No but Cristiano had the nerve to take one of my hersey's. I slapped his hands away as he took one of the broken pieces.
"If you wanted food you should've gotten some."I knew I sounded very greedy but sorry for loving food.
"Yesh. I'll do you a favor and eat."He laughed as he got up, the same direction to the wonderful land of food.
I threw away all of my garbage once I was done. This was my fourth time eating and we were almost there. Cristiano was sleeping and it was night time. We were going to land around noon and I was pretty happy for that. My mood was changing about meeting Cristiano's family. I was dying to meet them all the question were flying away. As I walked to the bedroom that was in the back. I know I was shocked when he told me that there was a bed. Cristiano was quiet snoring that was adorable. I took off my clothes and was left in my underwear and climbed into the bed with him. As I layed down he pulled me closer to him, are feet tangled with each other, his head snugged with my neck and one of his arms were drapped around my waist. We were spooning. The moment was quickly fading away as I feel asleep.
I was woken by a thump. Cristiano wasn't in bed with me. I quickly got changed and went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, fixed my hair and walked out. Cristiano was outside of the plane and then I notcied. We landed. He was speaking to someone, but they left each other to go on the ways. He was walking up the stair but stopped when he saw me.
"Goodmorning baby. I was about to wake you up."
"I just woke up, to a lony bed."I pouted, but it all went away once he kissed me. Smilig as we finised are little scene.
"C'mon there's someone I want you you see." I wanted to ask who but he quickly rushed down the stairs and since I was hand in hand I needed to catch up. The air was warm and it was very sunny. I was starting to sweat a little with this sweater. As we walked/rushed down, I noticed a girl smiling at us. She was pretty and looked a bit like Cristiano. Her hair was blond and short and her outfit was casual for this weather.
"Tiano."She ran up to him giving him kisses on the cheeks and a huge hug. I felt something inside me, a pain of jelousy. She stopped the hugging and the kissing when she noticed me. She smiled at me and then looked back at Cristiano.
"è questa la tua ragazza?"She pointed at me smiling hoping for an answer. I knew what she meant.
"Sì, questo è la mia ragazza Mia, questa bella ragazza è Alex."He made me blush, snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. She gasped, hands to her mouth.
"Perché non me l'hai detto!"She slapped his chest, making him move back a little.
"Mia dispiace ma ho non ho visto in quella che, 5 anni."He snapped making her looked down a little in a painful way.
"sai che non volevo dire quello che succede."She whispered. It was quiet for a moment but then she turned to me.
"Alex am Mia, Cristiano's sister."Finally, someone was speaking english.

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