I Have A Feeling It's My Last Night Here

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Chapter 27
Cristiano's POV
"Alex can I come over? ."It's been two since I've talked to Alex. It's been two days since that accident happen with Leslie. I remeber thag night I took her home and I remeber her giving me wine and I fell asleep but the next morning I woke up to her naked. I ran out of her apartment the morning and felt guilt as fuck. I thought I was messed up for everything. The text message I just sent Alex was replied too. She probably already found another man or didn't want to talk to me.
"Yeah, you can come over."I sprung out of my seat and dress the best I could. After making my hair look the way Alex always loves it I went downstairs to the car. Alex's apartment was like 30 minutes away but the speed that I was driving it would take me like 15 minutes to get there. I was planing to tell her. To her I cheated. Even though I didn't want to but I had to. Before I put the car in park mode I took a deep breath and got out. I buzzed her apartment number, opened the door when it buzzed back.
"Baby I missed you."I felt her arms wrap around my neck and her soft lips on mine. I was still at the doorway so I wrapped her legs around my legs and shut the door. The that her body was moving I knew what she wanted to do. Walking to her bedroom, I struggled a bit since she kept on moving her hips against mine. We finally made it to the room and I didn't want to fuck her on the bed I wanted to do it on the wall. I trapped her against the wall. She took off her shirt and took mine off in the process. I felt her hands go down to my zipper but stopped and I looked at her.
"It's going to be diffucult on the wall... We can do in the."I smiled at her cute-ness she was actually thinking about where to have sex.
"Shower."Her eyes widen, something in her body was trigger. I let go as she reached for the condom that was in her bedstand.
"Lets do this."Her mischevous side was on. Oh yeah.
I stripped before stepping in and she did the same. I stepped inside and watched her as she ripped the condom open. The hot water rolling down my back and down the floor, her hair was half way wet since it was in a bun. I felt the rubber on my dick go on. I put her in the same position we were ealier. I wrapped her legs around my waist and she held onto the curtain. Are breathing was already going fast and we weren't even moving.
"You ready?"She didn't even answer, I felt her inside on my dick.
"Fuck."I hissed as she grined on me. She kept on going and going thinikg she had control and I smirked. I banged in and out. Hearing her call my name.
"Faster."How much faster she wants me to go. I went harder and faster like she asked. Her nails were probably making a form on my back.
"I think am goi-"We cumed at the same time. Breathing extermely hard, my chest was going up and down, we were sync right now.
"I think that was the best so far."She kissed me everywhere. On my cheek,jaw bit my lip and sucked on my neck.
"Alex."I bit her lip as we kissed. I put her back on the ground and slowly made my way out of her. Made a knot at the end of the condom and therw it away. I grabbed the shower gel, and poured some in my hand and washed this lovely woman.
As we finished washing up Cristiano left before me and I smirked as I saw some of my lubrication on the floor.
Dam that was my first shower sex and that was great.
I washed my body for the last time and came out of the shower. As I made my way to the bedroom, Cristiano already had his sweats on. I took out my shorts that said PINK on the strechband and on of my sleeping shirt. I wasn't ashamed to be naked in front of Cristiano I mean we just had sex. After getting ready and comfortable I snuggled up to Cristiano and rest my head onto his outstreached arm.
"Goodnight baby."I whispered
"Goodnight Princess."
Cristiano's POV
FUCK. I keep leading her on having amazing sex. Am so fucked up right now!

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