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Hi to anyone still reading this! I'd like to thank you for dealing with my horrible writing and grammar. I began writing this story when I was 12 or 13 and as you can tell (maybe or maybe not) my writing style has changed a lot! I have no idea where I was going with this story when I wrote it back then so I apologize for the mess. As I promised I am on summer break and i'm rewriting this story so please have patience with me. It's going to take me a long time to fix this. But on a positive note I'm off my hiatus of 2 years! ~Mistilicious


Rinnnnnng rinnnnnng rinnnnnng rinnnnnnnng Slam!

I open my eyes to see my alarm clock a broken mess on my floor. I sigh and blindly reach for my phone from my desk. After failing for the 5th time i manage to grab something much bigger and flatter than my phone. My eyes lie on a portrait of me and my good friends smiling and laughing. The only face that calls my attention is mine. I really stand out from the rest of my friends and not in a positive way. I have tan skin thanks to a burn I got last summer with small round glasses squishing my round face. The glasses make my dark eyes look smaller than they are which annoy me and my not so white teeth shining through my plump lips. I guess the only thing I like about myself is my dark hair. It's a long wavy mass of tangles that lie on top of my head. Yeah, as you can tell i'm not so attractive. My friends on the other hand are skinny pale girls with long slender legs. I was always in doubt why they would be my friends. I'm the opposite of these preppy girls. I'm a tomboy that hates makeup while my friends always had their hair straightened or curled surrounding their perfect faces and love makeup. After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, I get up and do my morning routine.

I get dressed in my uniform, brush through my mess of waves and march down the stairs to catch the bus. "Steph, para donde tu vas?" I hear my mother calling out from the kitchen. "I'm going to take the bus before it leaves me like last time." I reply a little to rudely and walk to the kitchen. My mom is standing at the sink wearing a frilly apron with some yellow gloves and washing the dishes. She turns around and glares at me.

"Watch your tongue young lady, it's your mother you are talking to."

I look down ashamed for snapping at my mom."I'm sorry mama but i'm not in the mood."

She tilts her head. "How can you be so moody already, you just woke up"

I push my glasses up and say, "One word mama, school."

She smiles at me and hands me my lunch box. "No me sorprende. I love you and please don't get into any trouble." She kisses me on my forehead and pushes me out of the kitchen. I smile and kiss her cheek while yelling I love you back and run out the door.

After a 5 minute wait, the bus picks me up and drops me off at school. As i'm walking through the gate I hear someone yell my name. I turn around only to be tackled by my crazy best friend, Peely. She is squealing like crazy and I push her off me. I look around to notice everyone in school looking at us and shaking their heads. Some looked away knowing this happened quite often but other immature brats start laughing and pointing at us. I start blushing and stand up helping my psychotic friend up. I ask her why she was making such a ruckus. She stares at me with tears in her eyes and with a cheshire cat grin she yells, "The ICONic Boyz are coming to Puerto Rico!"

I stare blankly a her and tilt my head to the side. The thing is I don't believe my friends anymore because they always prank me with things like this. I'm too gullible and that makes me an easy target. They told me last time that One Direction were coming but as we all know it was all bogus. Since then, I've stopped trusting them with fandom stuff. "Uh, yeah sure. Woooo they are coming ahh. Haha yeah right Peels, you really got me this time." I sarcastically say still staring at the blond.

"Steph, I may joke about many things and troll you all the time but look into my eyes and tell me if I am lying to you when I say, 'the ICONic Boyz are coming'."

I hesitate when I see dead seriousness in her eyes "Holy cow you aren't kidding! Dude! Ahhh when?! We have to buy tickets before they run out. Have you told the others?!"

"No, but they'll be arriving soon so we'll tell them together." She grabs my hand and drags me across the whole school before sitting down at our usual spot underneath a big palm tree. I sit down and reach inside my backpack and take out a book. While I was too intrigued in my book, Peels was on her phone impatiently texting Melissa and Jessy to hurry up. I look at her and laugh but stop when I see a silhouette standing in front of us. I squint and cover my eyes and notice that it was just Melissa looming over us. "Hey girl hey!" I joke around only get a Twinkie still in its wrapper thrown at my face.

"Sorry Steph, I'm not in the mood." she grumbles as she sits down next to Peels.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Replies an energetic Peels.

"How do you guys do it?" She lays down and places her head on her backpack. I could see her hand fly up to her face with a smack.

"Do what?" I ask spitting Twinkie crumbs out of my mouth.

"Eww haha Steph you are so unladylike!" Laughs a disgusted Peels. She looks over at Melissa and shakes her shoulder gently.

"Be so happy in the morning. It was bad enough my mom woke me up by beating two pans together and now school." She smacks Peels hand away.

We try to stifle our laughter and failed. Mel just glares at us but then smiles and giggles. I go back to reading my book and Peels starts explaining to Mel the big surprise. I hear a scream and then sobs. Confused I look at the two idiots only to see them sobbing into each others arms. I ignore them and greet a smiling Jessy. Judging by her giddiness I can tell she knows about the boys. She sits down to my left and says, "Three weeks. Three freaking weeks and we get to meet our idols. This feels so surreal. I mean, to meet the people who got us into dancing, who got us together!" The more she talked about it the wider her smile got. Her light brown eyes shine with passion.

I smile and nod my head. "You're right. Its like a dream come true. I feel like we should pay them back somehow. You know, make them something that'll hopefully remind them of us even though I doubt they'll remember us."

"Stop being so negative! You're ruining it for me already." She wines and I smile at her and poke her cheek. "So what do you think we should do? Dance for them? Bake em some pie?" I joke with her. She didn't get to answer because the bell rang signaling that classes were going to start. We all glance at each other in shock that time had passed so fast. We wave at each other and head to class. Melissa, Peely and I took advanced classes while Jessy had normal classes so we usually see her at lunch. And what a surprise we received when we saw her.


I think I may have wrote too much. Oh well the more the better right? I tried to keep the same concept and I feel I achieved it but I had to cut somethings out that I'll add in the next chapter. I hope you somehow enjoyed this and i'm sorry that this story is so bad. Anyways I love you all and I'll see you the next time I update. ~Mistilicious

(It took me about 10 hours or less to rewrite this chapter, I got distracted with my music. Damn you SHINee and the Hunter X Hunter sound track!)

ICONic Boyz Love Story (Nick Mara) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now