Chapter 4 =)

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It is Monday and we don't have school!!!! =) Of corse like always, I'm the first one up. =\  I go take a shower and brush my teeth. I go down stairs and get some cereal and go watch tv. I can't stop thinking about the ICONic Boyz. I know that in only 2 weeks we are going to see them and meet them. I start smiling. All of a sudden I feel someone cover my eyes. 

???~ Guess who??

Me~ Daniel??

???~ No it's me.

He lets go and I see my two neighbors Manuel and Kenny.

Me~ I knew it was you guys. 

M&K~ No you didnt.

Melissa~ Morning!

Me~ Good morning to you happy pants. You like the bracletes?

Melissa~ Loved them.

Jomy~ Morning!

Mel,Man,Ken & Me~ Morning!

Peely~ Morning!

Me~ Wow everyone gets up at the same time.

We all laugh and start talking about cars. (lol just random) Mommy finally gets up and makes us breakfeast.

*Skipping to the day when We meet the ICONic Boyz!*

I heard my alarm go off so I get up, take a shower and brush my teeth. I'm in a super mood so I make breakfeast for myself. I finish eating and get dressed. I wear my new clothes and you start to put on my new make up. I put on all my home made jewlery and put on this cute headband. My hair was curled and it looked good with the red highlights. I put my shoes on and put lots of purfume. I take my ICONic Boyz book and my Blackberry. The color of the cover was the ICONic Boyz colors. My wallpaper is the ICONic Boyz. I call my besties pick them up. =)

*Skipping Car ride* 

We are parked out side the stadiom fixing up our makeup. Once we finished we all enter the stadiom and take our seats. It was an open stadiom and it was a really cold day. I were thankfull because if it were hot my make up would be ruined. We were seated in the first row!!!! ( You can feel if the boyz sweat) ;) I got super bored so I start texting Kenny.

~*Text Convo*~

Me~ Kenny!!! =)

Kenny~ What up? :)

Me~ Waiting for the boyz to go on stage. =/

Kenny~ That sucks.

Me~ Big time!

Kenny~ Well I'm just here bored at home.

Me~ Well ttyl the boyz are coming on.

~*End of text convo*~

I see Geo go on stage and all the ICONiacs started screaming like crazy! I scream alittle and clap. He was introducing the boyz.

Geo~ I say Be, you say ICONic! Be!

ICONiacs~ ICONic

Geo~ I say ICONic, you say Boyz! ICONic!

ICONiacs~ Boyz!!!!

Geo~ Now give it up for the ICONic Boyz!!!!!

 start screaming like crazy when I see the boyz come out!!!! They were smilinmg and laughing. I then calmed down and sat down. I was staring at all the ICONic Boyz when I see Nick looking at me!!!!! My heart stoped and I started to blush. He winks at me and then starts dancing. It was the end of the finally and the boyz bowed. I screamed but not as loud as every other ICONiac. The boyz left back stage and that when we left too. I am really nervous to meet them. There were tons of girls in front of us screaming for the ICOnic Boyz. My friends and I were the last people to meet them. 


I hope your loving it! JK. But I hope you at least like it. Well anywho, keep reading! =)

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