Abstruse boy

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Annabelle's P.O.V
You're probably wondering if I'm safe. I can't tell you I am though. It's impossible to be comforted by this hurricane city, gobbling you up for being who you are. No sign of the boy. Phew. I wonder to myself if this will be my new temporary home; dirt cardboard boxes and spray-painted walls to keep me warm. The building, which I was leaning on, seemed to suspicious. Should I move? I could get into trouble pretty soon.

Annabelle had doubts about here she set up for the night. She glanced at her watch-3 hours late already! Her parents would really worry but why did she get no contact; a phone call or text. She was just about to doze off when she heard a slam of a door and shouting. It was too close to her: should she stay still or run for it? With lots of doubts, she stayed because she had been doing a lot of running today.
"Young lady, please come here right now," said what seemed a police officer, sternly. "You may have no idea what you're doing but you need to come here right now and we will contact your parents immediately."
Annabelle slyly looks towards him but no moving a muscle. He caught a quick glance of her and stared In shock, looking more angrier. She runs for it. That's all she could do. Well, at least that's what she thought...

Annabelle's P.O.V
My breath is being taken away from me second after second. I know what I am doing is a bad thing but I have to, I wasn't doing anything wrong. Was I? Isolation flooded into my body. The alleyways corner in on me. I could hear the sirens gradually coming closer and closer. Suddenly, the dark, abstruse figure jumps out at me. I find myself in what seems like a rubbish bin. It absolutely stunk! The figure tries to grab hold of me but I rip his greasy hands off of me.
"Just listen to me, here y-" informed the boy as I could tell by his voice but I interrupted him.
"Who even are you?" I asked, puzzled. A street light then came on the second I asked him. It was a great job because now I could see the emerald-eyed boy. Was he following me? I have to get away. Actually, he did just save me. Why? We don't even know each other. 
"Okay, you may be wondering why on Earth you keep seeing me," the boy said. "I saw you earlier and reminded me an awful lot of someone I've seen or heard of before. I Sussed that you could be in danger so I followed you partly because you were in danger and partly because I wanted to find out who you were and now..."
"Erm...thank you, I guess. I have lots of questions but it has to wait, so what to do now," I reply.
"I'm Sid by the way." He greeted.
"Hi, Sid. I'm..." I hesitate, should I tell him my true identity. I am in big trouble with the police so probably best not. For all I know, he could be lying aswell. "Lauren, nice to meet you!"  Maybe this was a bad idea. My parents had always told me not to talk to strangers but this was a different situation...

Sid's P.O.V
She was asking me what to do but even I had no idea. It was a long shot getting involved with someone in trouble with the police- my parents had always advised me.  Whereas, I don't think she's a 'criminal', even if the newspapers gave her a bad impression and she was sleeping on the streets just because I had scared her off. Perhaps it was all my fault, why do I have to be so nosy? I should of just left her alone and cycled away instead of invading someone's private life. She seemed so innocent, her baby blue eyes shining out in the dull sky. I just had a feeling that she is honest and innocent- I should give her a chance.

Once both Sid and Annabelle had come up with a plan, they found themselves in the garage of what Sid had said has been his 'hideout'. Annabelle found it hard to believe that's where he lived even though he had grim clothing.
"Are you sure we are allowed here?"  Annabelle asked, nervously. Annabelle waited patiently for a reply but Sid didn't even make eye-contact. She soon realised he had is eyes on a miniature , mahogany box.
"What is t-" she gets rudely interrupts by a 'shushing' sound which she found quite mean of him. What could be so important in that tiny box? Anyway, they say still for a about an hour, 'just staring at the least satisfying thing seen by all of mankind',thought Annabelle.
"This is stupid! I'm going home." Blurted Annabelle, without thinking.
Sid's face droops down, he didn't realise how much time had passed. A painful poke of guilt passes through Sid; it was partly his fault.

Annabelle's P.O.V
I feel quite guilty just storming out of the garage but it was his fault- ignoring me. He didn't even say bye! I have no idea where I'm going but I'm sure I will survive the journey: Google maps if I have wifi and my parents are a phone call away. Coming to think of it, I've had no contact all day. I reach out to my pocket, it's empty. I rip out my pockets. Behind me. Nothing. Did Sid steal..? No. It couldn't of been. We were friends,right? Although he was quite sketchy before I left...

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