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Annabelle's P.O.V
I sprint. Quickly. Hopefully So will be around and we could put an end to it. Turning corners and looking in all directions, I see a list with names. It must be a petition. I scan through it-no sign of Sid. Then it hit me, still I haven't told him my real name so if he was trying to find me, it would of under the name of Lauren.  Why had I been so stupid to say that? Although, I was trying to be on the safe side...

Sid's P.O.V
Where did I last meet her? Lauren. Wasn't it? I don't know if she could be looking for me after all we haven't really had a great start to our 'friendship'. I wonder if she's found out about the petition then maybe she could help the community with taking them down.

I stare along the street...dark shadows pass, laughing, crying-those didn't surprise me because I bare in mind that it's a late night and people are probably drunk. Hopefully, I want to see Lauren lurking around the streets. Oh yeah! She left her phone in the garage...and obviously thought i stole it. Was she running away again? Sirens fading. Echoes. I sprint to where the sound is coming from. I sincerely hope she hasn't done anything stupid. It was my fault,wasn't it? Actually, if I hadn't done anything about it in the news, she would still be constantly running away.

Shadows pass. Terror. I feel a slight shiver run down my back. A heavy weight is put onto my shoulder...

Annabelle's P.O.V
There he is. I slowly tap onto his shoulder.
"Aghhh!" We both screamed in shock although I knew that it was Sid. At first, he didn't recognise me but once I took my jet black hood off he noticed and a smile spread across of his face.
"Finally! I was looking for you!" Sid exclaimed.
"Me too!" I replied. "Where have you been?" Sid explains what he had been up to for this last week and stuttered across some words and I knew what he was hinting to...and I didn't like the situation either.
"...the..petition,right?" I mumbled, curiously. He nodded.

After an hour of planning what to do, we head to Sid's garage. I tried asking him if this was actually where he lived but he ignored me. Then it hit me...I hadn't had my phone since the most recent runaway. Should I ask him now? We've been through a lot and I couldn't just ruin it...

"So as you know, this is my second home;my parents do know about it. I haven't been here know and it might be messy. Informed Sid."It's like I'm showing you around a new place!" A huge gleam of relief ran across Annabelle's face as she saw her battered phone lying on the disentegrating wooden table. It was in the exact place she left it which means Sid hasn't touched it and hasn't been here anyway! Annabelle swiftly skipped around the room  and notice the deadly box lying in the middle of the room. Suspicious. She thought. What was so special about it?

Hi I'm sorry for the lack of upload or short chapters but I am quite busy.

I will upload at least once a week now and 'Just a nightmare..." Is coming near to the end, only one or two chapters left :)

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