Chapter 8

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"I'm coming," I heard Olivia yell as I banged on her door.

She opened the door and let me in. She was finishing getting ready so I sat on the bed waiting. She was straightening her long brown hair.

I scrolled through my instagram feed while she was finishing up. James and Mickey were posting videos of their rehearsals and them goofing off. I smiled at the thought of them. And that I was gonna meet them tonight.

"Okay I'm ready!" Olivia exclaimed.

I put my phone in my pocket and stood up. Olivia walked out of the bathroom and put on her jacket.

"Why are wearing a jacket? It's like 80 degrees outside," I said laughing.

She glared at me and shrugged the jacket off her shoulders.

"So you girls are just gonna go to the mall?" her mom asked.

Olivia nodded her head and winked at me.

"Yeah, we're just gonna hang out and have fun," she said to her mom.

"Okay sweetie, call us if you need anything," she said back to her.

"Okay I will, love you momma!" she said as we were heading to the door.

We shut the door behind us and quietly squealed as we ran towards the elevator.

"So what'd you tell your parents?" she asked me pressing the button.

"That we were going to your family reunion. And that I was just keeping you from being bored. She bought it," I said smiling.

The elevator opened up and we stepped inside.

"Dude I just can't wait to see Adam Levine, it's gonna be amazing!!" Olivia said jumping up and down.

I laughed at her as she went on and on about her marrying Adam and how much she loved him.

"Yeah he's the love of my life! You can have James all for yourself," she smirked.

"Oh I plan too," I said nonchalantly.

The elevator opened up and we walked through the lobby and out the revolving doors.

"How far of a walk is it?" she asked me.

"It should only take about 15 minutes to get there. You guys got a good hotel," I said back to her.

We eventually got to the arena and security was just starting to let everyone in. We got there just in time. We walked through the doors and I was surprised to see security checking everyone. Then again it made sense.

Once they got to me, they waved the wand in front of me as well as behind. I waited for Olivia as they scanned her. She came over to me and handed me my ticket as well as my backstage pass. I immediately hung the lanyard around my neck. We walked around the arena until we found our way to the pit section. I only saw a handful of people with backstage passes too. They could go first. I wanted to be last. Apparently, the band likes to hang out with the people longer who are last in line. That's a secret I'm keeping to myself.

Suddenly the lights went out and the beginning chords for Animals began ringing in my ears. The lights suddenly sprang on and I saw Maroon 5 standing right in front of me. Before I realized what I was doing, I let out the loudest scream I have ever let out of my mouth. Adam looked over at me and winked.

Oh my gosh!! Adam Levine winked at me!!!

I felt the tears welling in my eyes before they ran down my cheeks. I was finally seeing the band I have been following for so many years with my own two eyes. This feeling was unexplainable. My heart was racing and I was exploding with joy and pure happiness. This was actually happening!

I looked over to see Olivia jumping up and down and singing along with Adam.

The initial shock wore off pretty quickly and soon I was jumping up and down with Olivia singing along.

Just wait until I meet them!! I don't even know what I'll do.

Here's another chapter! Hope you guys like it! Please vote and comment!
Also, next chapter will NOT be in Katie's POV, I'm gonna start doing other people's POV! And sorry if the chapter is short!!

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