Chapter 1

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(Quick note: The picture represents Katie and Olivia)

"Katie!!! WAKE UP!" Olivia yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

I became aware of the fact that Olivia was actually in my house and was in my living room. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the sun peeking through the curtains hanging in front of my window seat window. I sat up and glanced at my phone on the nightstand. It read 12:00.

Great. I slept in till noon again. But oh well, it's summer. I have an excuse.

"Katie I'm serious! Get up and come down here! I have something for you!" she said in a sing-songy voice.

I groaned and threw my hair up in a loose bun as I yelled back at her.

"If you wanna see me so bad then come up here!" I screamed walking over to my vanity.

I heard faint footsteps grow louder as Olivia approached my room.

She entered my room and took a seat on my unmade bed and began complaining.

"Okay Katie, you really need to stop sleeping in so late. It's ridiculous that I have to drag you out of bed," she said.

"Oh yes, of course mother. My apologies," I joked.

I heard her sigh as I ignored her "advice".

I put in my contacts so that I was actually able to see. I can only go so long without being able to see what's in front of me.

Once my eyes adjusted and I could see again, I went back over to my bed and sat down.

I grabbed ny stereo remote and pressed play. She Will Be Loved began playing softly in the background as Olivia and I talked.

"Of course it's Maroon 5," Olivia chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at her and grabbed my phone.

We talked about the nice weather moving in after weeks and weeks of rain and downpour.

We made small talk for about 10 minutes before my stomach started to grumble. I hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday and I had no time to eat dinner last night, so I'm starving.

"Alright I need food. You hungry?" I asked Olivia.

"Yeah a little. What you got?" she asked.

"Not sure actually. Let's find out. C'mon," I said standing to my feet.

I grabbed my phone and Olivia followed me down the stairs and into the kitchen. I looked in the fridge and saw a plate already made. It had eggs, bacon, and hash browns. There was a sticky note attached to it. I put the plate on the counter and pulled off the note.

Went to work early. Be home tonight. Stay safe.
Love mom.

I smiled at the note and stuck the plate in the microwave to warm the food.

I looked up at Olivia as she was on her phone.

"Hey we can share the food," I offered.

She looked up from her phone and smiled.

"Yes! Your mom makes the best food!" she beamed.

I laughed at her and she quieted down. She went back to her phone and was typing away.

I pulled the plate from the microwave once it beeped and sat down next to Olivia. She grabbed a fork and dug in. I started on the bacon and smiled in satisfaction.

Olivia was definitely right about my mom's food. It's the best food out there.

We ate in silence chowing down the food. It didn't take long until the plate was clear of food. I put the plate in the sink and walked back to the table.

I opened Twitter and scrolled through my feed. Olivia started talking about my dad right about then.

"So when do you think you'll see your dad again?" she asked slowly.

I shrugged.

"Uhh I don't know. But probably soon I'm guessing. Like the end of next month I think," I said not thinking about the situation too much.

My mom and dad got divorced when I was 12 so I've been going back and forth between Florida and California for the past 5 years. It's not ideal but I'm always by the beach no matter where I'm at so I'm not complaining. They always fought over something and it drove to a divorce. I can't say I didn't see it coming. I never heard them fighting though. They would always stop when I entered the room or when I came home and they'd pretend like nothing happened. But it was so obvious they were fighting. So when they got divorced, my dad found a job in Cali and moved. I live with my mom and visit my dad for the summer and on holidays.

"Katie? Did you see Maroon 5's latest post on Twitter?" she asked casually pulling me from my thoughts.

"What? Oh no I haven't. Why?" I asked while searching for their profile.

"Just go check," she ordered.

"Okay okay. It's loading. I don't see what the big de-" I stopped speaking as I starred at the screen.

"AGHHHHHH!!!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs.

I jumped up and started running around the room with excitement! IT WAS HAPPENING!

I stopped in my tracks and starred Olivia down. She was smiling and had the look on her face. I mean, the look. She was planning something.

"Olivia. What did you do?" I asked skeptically.

She didn't say anything.

"WOMAN! Answer me!!" I shouted at her.

What in the world did she do?! She knew I would freak out and she's planning something. I can tell! We've been best friends since preschool.

She smirked and walked over to her bag and pulled out what I was expecting her to. She held the lanyards and tickets in front of my face.

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