Chapter 5

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"Katie wake up!!!" Olivia shouted violently shaking me awake.

"Okay okay, calm down would ya?" I snapped.

I quickly took off my sleeping mask and sat up.

She laughed and grabbed her carry on bag from the overhead compartment.

I hit her leg and she stumbled back.

"Hey, what was that for?" she asked rubbing her leg.

"Oh relax I didn't hit you that hard. Grab my purse from up there, will you?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes at me but did it anyway.

"Thanks Liv," I told her.

She didn't answer me and began walking down the aisle. I followed close behind her.

Within minutes, we were at the all to familiar LAX airport. I walked over to baggage claim and waited for my suitcase to come through.

I took my phone out of my purse and turned airplane mode off. A massive load of notifications came through just then. Instagram, Twitter, texts, Facebook, and every other social media app you could think of. I have a ton of celebrities's notifications on.

My phone wouldn't stop vibrating so I threw it back in my purse until it stopped.

I spotted my luggage and pulled it off the conveyer belt. I waited next to Olivia, her parents, and my mom. I didn't want to wait another minute for the concert. But I had a whole day to relax for it tomorrow night.

"Alright let's go girls, there's a cab waiting already outside for us," Chris said from behind us.

I turned on my heels and walked towards the door with my luggage in hand.

I followed behind Chris leading the way, even though it should be me. I've been in this airport so many times I've lost count. I can tell you where to eat and where Starbucks is and everything. But I didn't say anything.

Soon enough we were loading up our luggage in the trunk and we piled in the cab. We were about to call for another taxi, but I said Olivia could sit on my lap. They all went with it.

My dad was gonna meet my mom and I at the hotel Olivia's parents were staying at and take us home. I was really excited to be back in LA.

I helped Olivia unpack her bags when we got to her room. I pulled out at least 10 different shirts with Maroon 5 on it.

"Can I have like half of these?" I asked smiling.

"Umm no! I spent good money on those," she said.

I shook my head and continued unpacking her bag.

I stopped when Olivia pulled out her phone and started typing. I watched her put her phone back in her pocket and my phone buzzed.

It was a text from her that read "You can wear one tomorrow for the concert". I smiled at her and didn't say anything more about it since my mom was right in the room.

They were all talking about the flight and the annoying people on the plane. I tuned them out and started putting Olivia's clothes in the dresser that held the TV.

I pulled out my phone when it started ringing. I saw my dad's name on the screen and I brought the phone to my ear.

"Hi daddy," I said walking back over to the bed.

"Hey sweetie, I'm here in the front so have you and your mother come on down, okay?" he asked patiently.

"Okay, we'll be right down. See ya in a few," I said and hung up.

I looked over to my mom who was picking up her bags. I went up to Olivia and hugged her tight. The next time I'd see her, we'd be going to the concert! I was so pumped!

"Alright girls, you'll see each other tomorrow night," said Chris laughing.
"Okay okay, I gotta go," I said to Olivia.

She smiled at me and waved as I left. I picked up my bags and my mom and I headed towards the elevator.

"Well honey, how was the flight?" my mom asked.

"Oh it was fine. I just slept the whole time," I said back to her.

"Well good, you probably didn't get much sleep last night. I know you're excited to see your dad," she said as we stepped off the elevator.

"I really am!" I said getting excited to see him.

I didn't get to see my dad very often. It was always really exciting getting to see him. I missed him so much. I wish he still lived in Florida.

I saw my dad's car in the parking lot and saw him leaning up against it. I immediately dropped my bags and took off full speed towards him. I threw myself into his arms and held on for dear life. I took in his scent and smiled.

"Hi princess," he said in my ear.

"I missed you daddy," I whispered.

"I missed you more, babygirl!" he exclaimed.

He always called me babygirl, ever since I was a little girl.

He put me down and saw my mom walking towards us with my bags in her hand.

"Thanks mom," I said grabbing my bags and throwing them in the trunk.

She smiled and did the same.

I headed towards the back seat, but my mom let me have the front seat. We all climbed in and my dad took off towards the house.

"So babygirl, how was the flight?" he asked.

"It was good. I slept the whole way, so it went by fast," I said as he was making his way down the freeway.

The ride was mostly silent. I could feel the tension between my mom and dad. They weren't necessarily on speaking terms anymore. They only talked when it was about me. It was really awkward when we would all meet together. My mom would sit back while I caught up with my dad. She would occasionally ask him questions about work and if he was seeing anyone new. The answer was always no, he still loved her. I could tell. Whatever caused the divorce was enough to make my mom stop loving him.

I've tried to ask them both why they divorced in the first place, but they'd always say I wasn't old enough to understand and they'd change the subject.

We finally pulled into my dad's driveway and I hopped out of the car. I popped open the trunk and slung the bags over my shoulders. I started towards the house and was greeted by Frankie. Frankie is my dad's dog. I got to name him and I picked Frankie because Adam had named his dog Frankie. My mom had no idea either so it was funny.

I bent over to pet him and he followed me inside. I went up the stairs towards my room.

My dad had a room for me ever since he moved up here to LA. My mom would always stay in the guest room and my dad obviously had his own room.

I threw my bags on the ground and went back outside to help my mom with her bags. She had twice as many bags as me since I already had a lot of stuff already here. I stepped outside and grabbed some bags. We got it all in one trip.

We went up to the guest room and my mom began to unpack. I went back to my room. I flopped on the already made bed and pulled out my phone. I checked Instagram and Twitter and everything else.

After about 10 minutes I began unpacking my bags. It didn't take too long. I hung up some clothes and some necessities.

It was late and I was still pretty tired. I changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth. I went down to my dad's room and we talked for a few minutes before saying goodnight. I got under the covers and turned off the lamp next to me. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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