Chapter 10

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*Katie's POV*

"Okay I need your guys's help, okay?" Adam said as he began walking over to our side of stage.

The crowd cheered in response.

"Okay this side is gonna start singing one part of this song okay? Now repeat after me. 'I don't mind spending everday out on your corner in the pouring rain,'" he sang into the mic.

Our half of the audience sang the part a few times.

"Okay now the other half let me hear you," Adam said walking to the other side.

The other half of the crowd began cheering and clapping.

"Okay you guys are gonna sing this part, repeat after me. 'And she will be loved'. Just that part let me hear you," he said.

The other half sang and Adam walked over to the middle of the stage.

"Okay we're gonna put them together okay? James buddy come out here," he said.

James walked over and my stomach erupted with butterflies. I cheered as he walked forward and he looked at me and winked. James Valentine just winked at me!!!

"Okay this side!" Adam said pointing to our side.

We began singing the part and Olivia and I began swaying with the music.

"Keep singing! Now this side join in!" Adam said pointing to the other side.

The whole audience was singing and it sounded amazing. Adam joined in every so often to keep the beat going.

Adam continued singing the song si everyone automatically stopped their singing to listen to him.

"'Please don't try so hard to say goodbye,'" Adam signalled the rest of the band to come up to the front of the stage to take their bows.

"Goodnight LA!! Thank you so much! We love you!" Adam screamed into the mic.

They lead off the stage one by one. Jesse threw his guitar pick into the sea of people and a girl on the other side of the stage caught it. I liked Jesse a lot. I always viewed Jesse as the responsible one of the band. I never looked at him as a celebrity crush. He seems like one of those guys you can talk to and he's like your brother. He was different than the rest of them in that way.

The arena began clearing out after a few minutes of applause. After a few minutes, a security guard came out from backstage and asked the girls with the backstage passes to follow him. There were about 5 other girls. Olivia and I let them go first.

We were lead down a couple of dim hallways before there was light at the end of one. The security guard let them in one or two at a time. Depending on if they were with a friend. There was only one girl by herself.

Me and Olivia waited for about 30 minutes before we were the only ones behind the closed door. The walkie-talkie hanging on the man's belt beeped and he opened the door. The girl before us left and we stepped in the doorway. Another guard was there in front of yet another door. He double checked our passes and nodded at us.

"Alright ladies, you have about 10 minutes okay? So get your autographs and pictures quickly," he said firmly.

"Okay," Olivia and I said at the same time.

He smiled and opened the door. Olivia and I squealed and walked past the door.

Adam, Sam, Matt, and James were sitting behind a table in a row. Olivia jumped up and ran towards Adam squealing. He went around the table embracing her in a hug. James, Matt, and Sam went around the table chuckling at them. I stayed in my spot. I didn't move. I was still recovering from the shock. I was standing right in front of my idols. I've looked up to this group of guys for my whole life.

"Katie! Come over here!" Olivia screamed pulling me from the initial shock.

I walked slowly towards him. Adam looked at me for a split second then looked at Olivia again. But then he jolted his head right in my direction looking right at me again. He had a strange look on his face.

"Do I have something on my face?" I asked.

I put my hand to my cheek to wipe off whatever was on my face. I was surprised I could even speak after the shock wore off.

"No no, you don't. I guess you just look familiar," he smiled.

He eyed me before talking to Olivia again.

"Hey Mickey! Jesse!" James yelled, facing a room that appreared to be a dressing room or a bathroom.

"Yeah hold on!" I heard Mickey yell back.

I squealed as I heard his voice.

"Ahh, I see you like Mickey?" James said laughing.

"Yes I do! I love all of you guys! You were so amazing and you inspire me so much!! I can't believe this is happening! This doesn't seem real!" I gushed.

I basically knocked James over as I ran to hug him. He stumbled and laughed as he squeezed his muscular arms around me. I was hugging my husband!

"James I think you should know that your Katie's favorite. She's totally in love with you," Olivia said. I blushed and looked down.

"Well then I should do something about it," he said.

He bent down and pressed a kiss to my cheek. Olivia was quick to snap a picture of it. I felt my cheeks get red and James kissed my forehead. I was in heaven.

Everyone turned as Mickey walked out of the bathroom. I let go of James and ran towards Mickey. He caught on and picked me up into bear hug. He laughed and set me down after a moment. I walked over to James and hugged him again.

"Jesse will be out in a second," Mickey said smiling.

He looked at me closer and did the same thing Adam did earlier. He looked at me with that same strange face. He looked over to Adam and they both nodded to each other. I'm not sure what was going on but I felt that something was about to happen. I tried to ignore it, but Adam walked over to Mickey and whispered to him. They tried to be casual about it but I tried to concentrate on what they were saying. Which was hard cause I was taking to Sam and James about how I loved the show. I listened to Adam and Mickey for a second.

"That's impossible, right? How could that be her?" I heard Mickey say.

"It's a long shot, but maybe it is her," Adam said.

He and Mickey walked to the dressing room/bathroom, went in, and closed the door.

What were they talking about? I had just met them. They couldn't be talking about me. Could they?

I shook the thought and continued my conversation with James, Sam, and Matt with Olivia right by my side.

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