Once Upon A Time...

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HeY gUyS! HoPe yOu LiKe iT!  :)     heY EvErYoNe!!!   PLeAsE cHeCk oUt yourphysicalbreakup ShE iS AmAzInG aNd ShE pUt EfFoRt InTo tHiS PoEm, sHe ToTaLlY mAdE ThIs pOeM CoMe tO LiFe wHeN I wAs In wRiTeR's BlOcK.

AnD yEs EvErYbOdY, ThAt iS ThE aBc SeRiEs "ONCE UPON A TIME"  I aM ADDICTED!!!!!   LoVe tHe ShOw!!!!!!!!


Once Upon a Time...

A little girl made up a bunch of rhymes

She was too afraid to fly

But never weak enough to cry.

She would hold back the tears

And drown it in a couple beers.

She would get arrested every now and then

Drunk as can be in her minivan.

She never got used to knowing good was on her side

So she went out on a wild ride

Taking a trip to hell and back

So many things her life did lack.

No one ever seemed to care for her

People never had the heart to love her, that's for sure.

She would spend the rest of her life alone

She would never have a place thats felt like home.

With the little courage she still had left

She took her phone and welcomed herself to death.


DiDn'T eXpEcT ThAt, hUh GuYs?  :0    SoRrY i'M So dEpReSsInG, LoL        i DoN't cArE WhAt aNyOnE SaYs aBoUt Me,    uNlEsS It'S gOoD Of cOuRsE. tHiS FoNt iS cRaZy AnD iS TaKinG fOrEvEr...LoL  :)

READ, COMMENT AND VOTE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!   I LOVE YOU MY DEARYS!!!!!!!!!!!!         THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT!!!!    :)     :)      :)

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