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Hey guys hope you like it!!


Save me from these demons

Can you please get rid of them?

They follow me around

And won't stop until I hit the ground,

Beaten and bruised

All black and blue.

Swollen lips

Broken hips

Could it possibly get any worse than this?

It's not just physically

No, it's deeper than that.

They mess with my mind

And play with my feelings.

I truly think I'm going crazy

They use me as a slave

Because they think I can't behave,

I am never to talk, laugh, or complain

After you get used to it, it's really not that hard living this way.

I wanna feel love

What is it like?

Fireworks? Butterflies?

That's what they've told me.

They'd tease me about it, you see.

They would literally go out of their way

Just to put on a play

Romeo and Juliet, I believe.

How they fell in love so quickly

I wish it were that easy

They died for each other.

I would cry for hours

Knowing how sweet their love was.

But the demons thought it was because I knew no on was going to love me

So they took it as a chance to insult me:



The funny thing is...

They think it's hurts.

The pain is over with. Done.

It's be replaced by Numb.

At this point death seems better than this

But I still have courage, that's the one thing they missed.


You've officially taken away everything.

I've tried, over and over, trust me, every chance I had, to escape. To run.

But they were faster, they would drag me back to torture, pure torture in a blink.

I can't escape, it's impossible

They got this whole castle locked up with guards around every corner.

If you're reading this, you can help

Surrounded by jagged rocks and kelp.

Save me if you can,

Will you become my Peter Pan

And fly me to Neverland

Where I can be free

From all these tyrants and kings?


Hey sorry, I haven't updated in a long time. This poem goes deep with me, I don't know what it is, but this goes deep... it's like I can feel the pain and agony they feel... like it's me. I hope this pm connects with you guys as well. Thank you so much to everyone who has stayed with me this whole time and has not given up on me while I write these poems!  Love you all dearies!!!  :)

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