Hey guys! Hope you like this poem! I want this poem to help people stay strong no matter what condition your in.
I am so stressed out.
I cry and I pout.
Because everything is unfair.
School and AD/HD* are the perfect pair
To make you wanna pull out all your hair.
I have a lot of issues that are hard to control
Especially when I can't remember what happened the day before.
I always get yelled at
And blame the fact
That I am dumb and cannot act
Upon my mistakes beforehand
So I don't get yelled at again and again.
I don't understand
Why I forget so easily
And can't see what's right in front of me
I don't know what it's all about
But I am so stressed out.
*AD/HD: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity-Disorder. A chronic condition including attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness.
Hey guys! So those of you wondering, yes I do have AD/HD, it's a struggle and all of it's true. It's hard to focus, I forget easily, and I move a lot. This is a common disorder that a lot of kids have and struggle with. I want to help those kids. Comment if you do too.
Everything I Could Never Tell You
PoetryLittle poems Sweet and feels like home Written by yours truly