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Every picture shows a spot with which the artist has fallen in love. ~Alfred Sisley 

Luke's POV

I knocked on the door of the large house at eight-ten. When I was waiting I shoved my hands in my pockets and pulled out a single cigarette. I let out a sigh as I pushed back inside of my pocket before the door opened and revealed Michael standing there. "Luke? What do you need?" 

"I just need to talk to Kodi." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "Just tell her to come out here." I walked down the steps and heard the door close as I leaned against my car. A moment later, Kodi walked outside and over to where I was standing. "Get in." 

"What? Why?" Kodi asked. 

"Get in the car, I just wanted to talk about something." I said and Kodi climbed in the passenger seat as we drove off down the road. She did not seem the slightest bit nervous or anxious for anything. Instead she sat and looked out the window. 

Eventually we pulled up to the bar and I stood up, opening her door we walked out and towards the bar. "What are we doing here? I-I can't even go in!" 

"Hey Tony." I greeted the bouncer. "She's with me." He nodded his head and let us walk inside. Kodi did not question anything, rather she must of assumed that it had something to do with the fact that my father had something to do with it. 

"What did you want to talk about?" Kodi asked as we sat down at a table. 

"I just wanted to apologize." I said. Kodi looked confused. 

"What for?" 

"Have you seen that article about the photo you posted?" I asked.

"Yeah, so? I'm getting recognition for my photo." Kodi shrugged. 

"Well not exactly," I replied. "I thought it was more for Hemmings Enterprise than anything else. They barely talked about you." 

"That's true but any publicity is good publicity." Kodi said. "People know I took the photo, and it made it look like big businesses should care about the Fine Arts programs that are in place. They were right though, you make a pretty good model especially while looking super nerdy." 

"That's how I normally dress, when I'm not wrapped up in a suit." I rolled my eyes. "I don't see how that's nerdy." 

Kodi leaned forward on the table. "Because you are a nerd." 

"I am not." I snapped.

"You write poetry in the most elemental areas, you wear big glasses and sweaters." Kodi smiled. "You're a cute little nerd." I rolled my eyes. "You can try to look as big and bad and as professional as you do desire, but I know that you are not as uptight as you pretend to be." 

A glass was set on the table in front of us a waitress by the name of Billy smiled at me. "That's for the lady, a gentleman in the suit over there. But I did get you a whiskey Luke." 

"Thank you Billy." I smiled as I took the shot. Kodi looked at the martini in front of her with wide eyes. "What's the matter? You've never had anyone send you a drink before?" 

"I've never been in a bar before!" Kodi shook her head and Billy laughed lightly before walking away. "I'm not even supposed to be drinking this."

"You would offend Aron is you didn't. He's a damned good bartender." I smiled and gave her a wink. She took a sip of it and smiled slightly.

"So Luke, you helped me with my photography project. I was going to ask where you want to go next and help out." Kodi smiled wickedly. "After all, I still have blackmail on you." 

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