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Life is a succession of moments, to live each one is to succeed. ~Corita Kent

Ashton's POV

I walked inside with my of my dirty, sweaty, happy friends to see Kodi standing with a tray of lemonade glasses. "Wipe you feet before you come in please." She said. "Don't sit on the furniture until you have changed your clothes."

There was a unison of "okay Kodi" and she smiled as we took a glass off the tray.

"Where's Luke?" I asked her.

"He went back to his apartment." Kodi replied. I frowned slightly and it made Kodi laugh. "You really adore that boy."

"I don't." I sighed as I rolled my eyes. Before Kodi could answer I felt Lucas climbing on my back and leaning his head over my shoulder.

"Hi Ashy!" He giggled and Kodi let out a sigh of annoyance. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." I shrugged and Lucas continued to laugh as I carried him into the living room.

"Stay off the furniture!" Kodi yelled.

"Okay!" I yelled back and we went into the room Lucas shared with Dakota. Dakota was already starting to change out of his dirty clothes but no one really cared.

I dropped Lucas on his bed as he laughed and sat up. "That was fun." I nodded my head.

I left the room to go change myself and a few moments later found Lucas pulling me back towards his room. "What?"

"I want to cuddle." He smiled. So I laid on his bed with him as he curled up under my arm. "This is nice, don't you think?" Before I could answer he rolled over so he was above me. And I could completely tell that he was lowering his face to mine but I put up a hand and stopped him. Lucas and I had done many intimate things in the past, having all of those times mean nothing, but it felt wrong now.

"Ashton!" Lucas whined.

"I can't.." I shook my head. "I can't do that."

"Why not?" Lucas asked. "You always did fun stuff with me." Before I could answer Lucas's eyes narrowed and he spoke. "It has something to do with Luke, doesn't it? Ashton he doesn't care about you or me or any of us."

"I don't think that's true.." I replied.

"Well it is, and the sooner you realize it, the better off we both will be." Lucas smiled. "Just trust me."

I stood up off of his bed and walked out of the room, I was not really mad at Lucas, but I wanted to be able to think on my own without the idea of Luke constantly circling my mind.

Maybe Luke and Lucas just never got along, ironically enough, they were both really similar in ways they would never understand and sadly, that causes people not to get along in most cases. I did not feel the same way about Luke that Lucas did though, I thought Luke was a great person he just never got exactly what he wanted.

I walked into the kitchen to see Michael and Kodi look like they were arguing about something, Michael was red in the face and I looked between the two. "Come on, Michael!"

"Kodi, I told you already, I'm not doing it. Nope, no. What if she says no? Hm? What then?" Michael replied.

"Well you won't know if you don't ask!" Kodi replied. They both turned to me and laughed nervously.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Ashton, help me out." Kodi smiled. "I'm trying to convince Michael to ask Esther on a date but he keeps saying no."

"Yeah? Point is?" I asked.

"Well, I have another idea.." Kodi gave a sly grin to Michael and he shot a glare at her. "What if, just an idea, if it's a double date. You know, Michael and Esther and.. Well I don't know.." Kodi hopped up on the counter as she tapped her chin. "What about you and Luke?"

"Kodi..You can't be serious right now." I sighed.

"What? I think it could go really well, you and Luke look like you could have something really special and Michael gets his date with Esther." Kodi shrugged. "You both get what you want?"

"What makes you think I want to go on a date with Luke?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"Just a thought," Kodi said. "At least ask Luke to go with you guys, you know, that way it won't be so awkward for Michael. After all, it would be super cool if a couple of his friends went."

I let out a sigh. Michael looked like he wanted me to say yes, but in all honesty how was I supposed to say yes to a request like this? And how would I even approach Luke about it?

"What makes you think that Luke will agree to go?" I asked.

"I don't know." Kodi smiled and shrugged, something told me she did have an idea of why Luke would do, but I know she was not going to tell me.

"I swear, you're a puppet master." I sighed.

"I'm a photographer." Kodi smiled. "I'm making the picture exactly what I want it to be."

"Photography is a mother's hobby." I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Says you. But what do you say, Ash? Will you please? You don't even have to make it a date. Just ask Luke to go with you guys!" Kodi smiled. "Say you don't want to be a third wheel."

"Mm.." I bit down on my lip. "Alright, fine. Whatever."

"Yay." Kodi clapped her hands a couple of times and then turned to Michael. "Okay, your turn."

"Kodi.." Michael whined.

"Go on. Your turn, I convinced Ashton and now you have to ask Esther because I sure as hell am not." Kodi asked. "Just ask if she wants to go on a double date with you, Ashton and Luke." Kodi clasped her hands together and held them towards her face as she smiled at Michael. "It'll be so cute!"

"Yeah..Right." Michael huffed.

"Go on, you wanted to ask her, so go on." Kodi huffed. "Now, Michael."

Michael walked out of the room and we slowly followed behind him. Kodi looked like she was about to start laughing with excitement. She peeked her head into the room that Michael just entered. Esther had clearly just gotten out of the shower, as her hair was soaked and she was drying it with a towel.

"Is this a bad time?" Michael asked. "You know it's probably a bad time, I can come back."

"Michael!" Kodi hissed under her breath. I was trying my hardest not to burst into laughter.

"You're fine." Esther laughed lightly. "What do you need, Michael?"

"So.." Michael bit his lip and moved around nervously and Kodi let out a snort. "Ashton and Luke are going on a date and you know, I just wanted to know if you would like to go with me as I go with them as my date?" Michael gave a nervous smile.

Esther laughed lightly. "You can relax, you know, it's just me."

"But will you go?" Michael asked.

"Yeah course." Esther smiled.

"Yay!" Kodi yelled and I could hear the click of her camera as Esther and Michael turned and glared at her. She pulled the photo out and handed it to them.

"That's actually a super cute picture." Esther tilted her head at it. "So where are we going?"

"I don't know." Michael admitted. "Ashton still has to ask Luke."

Esther laughed lightly and rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine. Ashton go ask Luke. Right now. Drive over to his apartment."

"What? I-I can't - "

"Go." The three of them said in unison.

"Fine. Fine. I'll be back." I huffed and grabbed my jacket and slid on a pair of shoes.


Cute =3

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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