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The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso  

Ashton's POV

I sat on the couch with Esther and Elias. They were watching some reality television series that I could never put my finger on.

I was more of laying on the couch though as I laid my head on Kodi's thin legs. Kodi was a photography major and she was as pretty as the pictures she took. Her hair was a short curly pastel pink, it was pulled back in a ponytail but many of the curls fell out and around her face. Her eyes glowed gold in color. She almost looked like a doll in some sense.

She spent her time running her fingers through my hair. Kodi was a childhood friend and I adored a lot about her. "Are you worried about your commissioned piece?"

"Not really." I shrugged.

"It's been a really long time since you've even thought about being commissioned." Kodi said. "A few years at least. After what happened to your mother I never thought you were going to get back up."

"That's why you started school so late, right?" Esther asked.

"Y-Yeah." I replied. In all honesty, if I did not take the two gap years I did, I would have been a senior in college at this point.

I waited the two years for a couple of reasons but they each interacted with one another.

My father had passed away when I was a child, and then my mother succumbed to extremely illness when I was sixteen. She lived through my seventeenth birthday but passed away the next day. After all of the medical bills that  I had paid, and all of the costs I could not afford, I had no money to go to college. But I never wanted to either. I stopped drawing for a long time, after all, my mother inspired much of my artistic pursuits anyways. I laid in bed, I remembered feeling dull and dead and sometimes I still felt that way. The one person I could rely on was ripped away from me.

"It's okay, Ashton." Kodi said as she wiped my face. I was unaware that I was crying until she said anything.

I stood up off the couch and walked out of the room. Retreating to my bedroom where I needed to be alone.

I shut myself in my room and laid on my bed. My eyes silently releasing the tears I was afraid of.

I heard a knock on my door and Michael walked in. "Hey was your meeting with Lu - Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine. And it went fine." I said quietly. Michael walked towards the bed and sat down on it.

"What's the matter, Ashton?" He asked and I found myself wanting to retreat even farther away. Deep down I knew that I could not go anywhere.

"Just thinking I guess." I shrugged my shoulders. Michael nodded as if he absolutely understood.

"Why don't you just relax a little, I'll get you something to snack on." Michael left the room and came back a few moments later with a bowl of chips before leaving me once more.

I looked at the empty easel in the corner of the room. Reminding myself to pick up a frame the size Luke wanted.

And the night would tick on, as time does. The sun set and rose all the same but I never moved. My eyes were tired and my body was giving out. But now I was forced to stand up and head out to my classes.

"You look worse than Michael's hair." Larra commented as I walked in the kitchen. 

"It doesn't look bad!" Esther let out a loud sigh. Michael never said a word. Instead he handed me a bagel with cream cheese and a black coffee.

"Come on, Ash." Michael said. I pushed my glasses up farther on my face and ran my fingers through my messy hair. Grabbing my bag I followed Michael out the door.

"Are you going to eat it?" Michael asked as he looked at me. I was holding the bagel and taking small sips of the coffee. I shrugged my shoulders and continued my day.

Starting my morning sitting at a table with a sketch pad and a pencil. Then in walked Luke. Flashing a smile as he shook the teacher's hand.

"What is he doing here?" Michael asked. I shrugged an picked at the bagel. Taking a drink of my cooling coffee every few moments.

"Hello Ashton, Michael." Luke flashed a smile as he sat down. His smile faded into confusion. "Ashton, you look exhausted."

"I am." I replied.

"Is everything alright?" Luke asked. I wanted to scowl at him, as it was none of his business but he actually seemed considerate of me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I nodded my head. "I'm just tired."

"Hm.." Luke pursed his lips together.

"I thought you were busy, why are you here?" I asked.

"Well, I have to look for interns throughout the school. That is what is filling most of my schedule. But I went out and bought you a canvas in the size I wanted so you don't have to." Luke smiled.

"Thank you." I replied but there was no actual sincerity in my voice.

Luke stood up for a second and walked over to where the teacher sat. He spoke a few words to the teacher and then walked back over to me.

"Come with me, please." Luke said and there was a dark intensity to his voice. I stood up and followed Luke out of the room. I walked down the hallway with him and he took me into the large gymnasium. Placing me on the stage.

"Every time I come and look for interns, I always become really scared about giving speeches." Luke said as he walked around the podium. "I don't really like people but I'm sure millions can say that."

"Of course." I replied.

"In high school I always hated all of the girls." Luke said. "I didn't even like my parents. I still don't like either of those groups. Every year I come and do these speeches because my father requires them, not because I care about who gets internships. I sit and listen to them for hours. This is the first time that we have even considered art majors for anything and your piece could do a lot for us." Luke looked me deep in the eyes as he spoke. "Don't blow it because of a bad mood, Ashton." And then turned. Leaving me alone in the echo of the gym.


So yes this is kind of going very slow but y'know, development. 

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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