Chapter 2: Training

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After breakfast they all went outside to the courtyard in the garden, waiting for them were two other boys. They were the same age as Andrew and the others. One was dressed in a pair of light blue jeans and a grey hoodie. His hair was short and golden and his eyes were the color of water. That was Karr Adams. The other one, his brother Conn, was taller. He wore a pair of blue jeans and a black hoodie. His hair was just a bit longer than Karr's and was much darker, but his eyes were the same color.

"Alright, we know you guys haven't used your powers in a while," Karr said, "Which is why we're going to have you do some training exercises."

"Okay, first one up is Andrew." Conn stated, "All you have to do is break those targets as fast as you can. Got it?"

"Got it." Andrew nodded.

"Good." Conn smiled. Ten targets just came up from the ground.

Andrew smirked and started blasting at them. He didn't miss a beat or a target. He hit them all within seconds. "Try some more." Karr said. And more targets were summoned, this time moving ones. Andrew started running towards them and jumped and threw a few fireballs. He took out a few targets but there were still a few left. He hit the ground and rolled then sent out a fire wave towards the remaining targets.

"Alright, Jason's next." Conn said. The destroyed targets were removed and replaced.

Jason stepped forward, "Let's do this." The first ten appeared and Jason cut them all down with just a few strikes of air. The next ten came and started moving. Jason created one massive wind and whipped up a tornado that destroyed them all. "Yeah." Jason cheered.

"Carlos, your turn." Karr said.

Carlos nodded and walked forward as the targets were replaced. "I got this." Once they were ready, the first ten targets appeared to him. He stomped the ground and boulders were broken from the ground which were turned into projectiles as Carlos thrust his hand forward. They went flying but only a few hit. There were still four more targets so Carlos used one of the missed boulders to launch from. He got some good height and with the swipe of his hand, he sent a small tremor towards the four remaining targets. The moving ones shot up right after those four were destroyed. Carlos landed in the center of them and created an earthquake that obliterated the targets.

"Good, good." Karr said, "Thanks for destroying my landscaping. Carlos."

"Laura." Conn gestured her towards the targets.

"Right." She nodded. "Watch me miss them all." She joked. The first ten popped up and Laura just closed her eyes and held her hand out. The air around her cooled until snow started to form. She opened her eyes and sent the snow forward in a blizzard that lasted long enough to take out the other targets that appeared. "How'd I do?"

"Kendra you're up." The targets were replaced yet again as Kendra took her place. Once repaired, the targets shot out of the ground. Kendra pulled the water out of the air and made a blade of water. The blade cut down the targets. When the moving ones appeared, she made a tidal wave that washed them all away.

"Great." Conn nodded. "You all seem to be in decent control of your powers."

"Now let's put away the targets and have you guys compete against each other." Karr suggested.

"Why?" Kendra asked

"It'll be fun." Conn told her.

The team was broken up into matches. First up there was Laura against Carlos. "Begin." Karr waved them on to start.

Carlos made the first move and stomped, once again lifting chunks of the ground into the air. He sent them flying at Laura. Laura held her hand in the air as the rocks approached her. Right before they made contact against her hand an icy wind stopped the rocks and they fell to the ground. Laura then ran at Carlos and summoned snow to rain down on him. Carlos was knocked to the ground and made a tunnel under the battlefield. When he emerged, he thought he had the upper hand. However, Laura was one step ahead of him. She blew a blizzard at him and he was blown into the air and flew out of the field. He almost landed on the ground but Andrew and Jason caught him.

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