Chapter 11: Castle Assault

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When the sun finally started to appear over the horizon, the others were getting up. No one really talked. They all just understood what to do. They were to prepare for battle. Most of them had already prepared the day before, now it was just a matter of gearing up. "Do you all remember these?" Maura asked with a big grin. She pulled out from a chest dark brown leather jackets. Each of them was emblazoned with a crest. One of the Phoenix, one with the Griffin, one with the Chimera, another with an Albatross, and the last one with a Serpent. "We had one made for you too." Maura handed one to Ava.

"They've been enchanted. While you wear them, your powers will be stronger than normal." Dae explained.

"Cool." Jake stared in envy at the jackets, "Do we have uniforms?" He asked Narius.

"Not as cool, but yes." Narius replied. Tarrus held out leather jackets that were much lighter in color. They each had the crest of a Dragon on the back. On the left side of the front, each had a personal crest. Jake's had a wolf, Kira's had a stag, Tarrus' had a crow, and Narius had a second Dragon crest.

"These jackets acknowledge you as the King's own personal army." Tarrus said, "We are the Norikai Knights led by the King himself."

"That doesn't matter now." Narius said, "What matters is that we kick some-"

"I suggest you refrain from foul language." Tarrus interrupted.

"Either way, we should get going. Let's finish up and leave." Jason said.

"Right." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Put this under your shirt." Dae passed out chain-mail undershirts.

"You just want to see me with my shirt off." Jason joked. He put it on as Dae passed them out to everyone.

"You realize there are changing rooms in here." Carlos said.

"I know." Jason looked to the back of the cave. When they were all ready, they stood outside the cave. They all had chain-mail undershirts on, their own t-shirts, then leather jackets from their own team. Karr, Conn, Dae, Sari, and Maura each had on colored hood over their heads. Karr's was white, Conn's was yellow, Dae's was red, Maura's was blue, and Sari's was green. They went back to Andrew's grave and placed his jacket on his grave with his shield.

The sun was starting to set. "Let's move out." Jason said, "Let's take Darius' castle." They all left. They were walking because the horses would make too much noise. "So what's the plan?" Ava asked.

"We're jumping, remember?" Carlos replied.

"That was serious?" she asked.

"Yeah, Jason said he might even be able to do better." Carlos said. They continued on the path until the finally came around the castle. "Look! They repaired the bridge." Carlos cried.

"They still don't expect us to be jumping in. The plan will work." Narius said. They ended up circling around the castle to its rear.

"Ready to jump?" Jake asked. "Guess not, but it's time to go." He and Jason started to make the air cushion.

"Jake, I can keep it going once it's ready. I want you and Ava to make a cloud cover for us." Jason said. "Can you two do that?"

"Yeah." They both nodded and started to make the clouds fly lower than usual. They were careful to spread it out all around the castle so as to not give off their location.

"That's good. Let's go!" Jason cried. Karr and Conn were the first to jump. Then the Sprite Mystics. After that the Norikai Knights. "I have to keep this going, you guys jump." Jason told his team.

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