Chapter 3: A New Prophecy

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The Sprite Mystics were waiting for Andrew and his friends when they arrived in the conference room once again. "Has the newest member of your team arrived?" Dae asked.

"So, you did know she was coming." Andrew nodded, "I thought so."

They all took their seats around the circular table, with Karr and Conn standing behind the Sprite Mystics. There was a new seat added for the girl. Before she sat down she introduced herself. "I am Ava Taylor. I have the ability to change the weather around me. My spirit is the Pegasus." She bowed and sat down.

"Thank you, Ava." Maura now stood to talk. "She will be your new teammate."

"What?" Jason asked. "Her?"

"Yes." Dae now stood. "Her abilities will help you greatly in the future. She can cast spells. Something you haven't been able to do."

"I thought we were the chosen five Legendary Warriors." Andrew said, "Last time Isabelle joined us, but now her too? That makes seven."

"Plus, the legend told of five warriors who came from a different world. Isabelle and Ava both are here from Norikai." Laura added.

"That was in the prophecy yes. But, becoming a Legendary Warrior was actually your decision." Sari now spoke. "Andrew, you jumped into help us first. We only unlocked your spirit, you could do with it what you wished. You used the abilities you were given to help us. And by working towards defeating the evil King Darius, you earned your place in legend. The same is with all of you." She paused to let it all sink in. "Kendra, you choose a different path with your power."
"I'm sorry." Kendra said.

"You're here now, that's what counts." Dae said. "We are just using you as an example. By choosing a different path, you were not a Legend Warrior. Now, you can earn the title for yourself."

"I guess that makes sense." Andrew thought about everything he was just told.

"What happened to Isabelle anyway?" Carlos asked.

"She is on a pilgrimage to become a Sprite Mystic." Maura explained.

"What kind of pilgrimage?" Jason asked.

"She has to live within Nature to become one with it." Dae told him, "But that is not the important thing here."

"Why did Ava already know our names?" Kendra asked.

"She was informed beforehand." Sari explained, "What do you have to report for us, Ava?"

"Report?" Carlos asked.

"Right. I only challenged Jason, but I did observe the other matches." Ava started, "I can't really say I'm impressed though. While Jason was able to break through my barrier, he didn't really know what he was doing. Andrew kept himself in check, but he has little strength and often hesitated. Kendra was solid all around, except she didn't seem to understand her environment too well. Laura showed a cool composure, but she also took quite some time to defeat Carlos. Carlos has much power, but was very reckless." Ava concluded her report.

"Thank you. It certainly gives us some insight of an outsider." Maura said, "You really show promise."

"We expect you to learn from each other." Dae told them, "Andrew is the team leader, but you should get to know all of them."

"I want to have a match with Ava." Andrew announced.

"No way." Sari rejected the idea. "What kind of welcome would that be for her?"

"If she's going to be a part of my team, I need to know what she's capable of." Andrew replied.

"Why is that necessary?" Dae asked.

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