Chapter 4

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Author's Note: This chapter was originally written in 2016. I re-wrote it to add more detail, but no major plot points will change.


We arrived at the airport at 6:30 pm. Our flight took off at 7 pm, so we had no time to spare. After a grueling 27 minutes of security, baggage check, and a random search, we somehow arrived at 6:57. We looked over to our terminal, to see people already boarding. Of course, this was the one time my plane was on time. We rushed over to the terminal, barely making it inside before the flight attendant closed the doors.

Once we got onto the plane, I pushed my small backpack under the seat in front of me. I was in no mood to talk with Chris, so I pretended to be asleep as soon as the plane took off. I knew if I talked to him, then he would ask questions that I wasn't sure yet how I would answer. Though, after 10 minutes of faking it, I finally dozed.

What seemed like minutes after I fell asleep, I felt Christ tapping on my shoulder.
I opened my eyes, "We're here already? But that was such a short flight!"

"Short?" he asked, his eyebrows raised and a small grin forming across his face. "You were just asleep Bianca, the flight was 10 hours. You can sure sleep for a while." At that, he chuckled and I did as well.

After waiting for the seats ahead of us to depart, I grabbed my bag and we headed off the plane. After making it through the maze the was the JFK Airport, we finally reached the doors. As soon as I stepped through the doors, I looked around in awe and fear.

I couldn't believe that I was actually standing in New York City. I wanted to believe that I would find a way here, but in all honesty, a large part of me thought I never would. Though somehow, against the odds, I did it. I was getting back to Camp Half-Blood. I was going to see my brother again, I was sure of it.

"Earth to Bianca!" Chris waved his hand in front of my face.

"Oh! Sorry!" I blurted out, "I tend to get lost in my thoughts."

"No worries," he chuckled again, "So, what do you think of The Big Apple?"

"Let me just say, I'm so ready to be here," I smiled at him and took another look around the big city.

"Well I'm glad to hear," he remarked, "Now, let's try to hail a cab." After a few minutes of embarrassing fails, Chris managed to hail a cab, and off we went.

Once we got in, we spent the ride in silence as I gazed out the window. I wanted to talk to him, but I had no idea what I would say. Part of me wanted to just tell him the truth, but I knew I couldn't. I wasn't even supposed to have these memories. They were supposed to be gone. I didn't know who I could trust with this secret other than my brother. For now, I couldn't trust anyone.

As I continued to look out the window, I wondered what it would be like there. It would be so different. And what if someone I knew was there? Would they recognize me? I just had to hope that I could pass as Bianca Smith. No one could know who I really was. The only person I would tell was Nico.

After a long time, we finally got there. And... it was not what I expected. There was just a big valley with some strawberries growing in it. I strained my memories, trying to remember the camp, but I didn't remember it looking like this. There must be something wrong.

"Are you sure we're at the right place?" I asked Chris.

He looked back at me, a small grin forming across his face. He looked as though he was hiding some inside joke from me. "I'm positive."

"Okay..." I doubted him, but I followed him out of the car and into the valley the valley anyways. After walking for only a moment, we passed a tall pine tree and suddenly the camp appeared.

"Woah!!" I chortled, my eyes gazing across the camp I once called home.

"Yeah," Chris agreed as if he understood the amazement I was feeling. But of course, he didn't. I wasn't an amazed little kid who had never seen the camp before. I was finally coming home.

As I stared out at the camp in front of me, all of these memories flowed back from my time here. The friends, the fun, the training, the excitement, joining the Hunters of Artemis, going on a quest and dying... But this was my chance. This was my chance to redo everything and have the life I wished for. Not wanting to wait for another second, I ran into the camp, Chris trailing not long behind me.

"Woah there, Bianca. I understand your excitement, but we have to go to The Big House first," Chris yelled after me. I stopped my running, I knew I had to take this one step at a time. So, I turned around and walking back towards Chris. Of course, I knew where The Big House was, but that would seem suspicious, so I let Chris lead the way.

After a short walk, we reached the porch of The Big House. It was just like I remembered it. Chris opened the door, and I followed him. As soon as I stepped inside, I saw Chiron and Mr. D talking intensely in the hallway. They were obviously talking about something important.

"Oh, hello!" Chiron remarked at me. He seemed a bit startled by our entrance, he was obviously very caught up in his seemingly important conversation. But within a moment, he smiled happily, moving his gaze from Mr. D to me. "I'm..."

But I interrupted him, "Chiron, you're Chiron."

"Yes, I am... How did you know that?" He stared at me for a moment, scanning me up and down. His brow furrowed and his eyes squinted, it was obvious he was suspicious already. Good going Bianca, you did it already, I had to change the subject.

"Uh... long story. Nice to meet you!" I replied quickly, desperate to get him off my trail.

He looked at me for a moment longer, obviously still pondering me. But within a moment, his expression changed. He smiled sweetly, he brows returning to their normal position, and his eyes opening wider. Hopefully, I had kept him off my trail for now

Mr. D, obviously not paying attention till now, turned to me and leered, "You must be the new girl."

"Yes. I'm Biana D...." I realized I almost said the wrong last name," Smith. I am Bianca D Smith. My middle name is Dessa." At least that part wasn't a lie. That two close calls though, I need to be more careful.

"Well hello then," Mr. D went on, obviously unbothered by my presence, "Chris, take her to the Hermes cabin."

Chris nodded, "Yes sir," and led me out of the cabin. Before we stepped out of the house, I looked back to see Chiron and Mr. D back in conversation once more. I sure hope I didn't just blow my cover.

As I finally stepped out of the cabin, I took a sigh of relief. At least that part was over. On our walk to the Hermes Cabin, I trailed a bit behind him, looking at all the sights. There was a ton of new stuff! For one, there were a lot more cabins than when I was last here. I would have to ask Chris about that.

As we were walking along, a boy in his 20's, with black hair was walking by. For a second he looked at me, my eyes meeting with his for just a moment, but then he turned his head away and kept walking in the opposite direction. I continued my journey behind Chris, wondering who that boy was. He looked oddly familiar, but who could it be... Then it hit me. That was Nico.

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