Chapter 12

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Author's Note: There's some important stuff in this author's note, so please read it!!

First of all, thank you for reading my story. I'll try to keep this short! I'm sorry for the break, but I'm back. Please comment and vote, that gives me the motivation to keep going!

I just finished re-writing all of the previous chapters, since I was so young when I first wrote them. Only small details will change, so you definitely don't have to re-read them, but I would love it if you would!

There is one small detail I changed while rewriting. While reading through some wikis, I noticed that people weren't supposed to remember their past lives when they choose rebirth. So in the previous chapters, and currently, Bianca doesn't know why she can remember her past life, since she's not supposed to. She also has decided not to tell anyone about her past life, for that reason.

I also wanted to remind everyone that I changed the ages of the characters. Bianca is 14, Maria is 16, Joseph is 15, and Liam is 12.


"Well, we better make a good team. We have a lot more left to do!" Maria laughed.

We laughed in agreement for a moment, but it felt like something was missing. I realized there was someone missing from our conversation, Liam. I turned back to the spot where Liam was last standing, but he wasn't there.

"Guys..." I stammered, "Where's Liam?"

Everyone stopped dead in their tracks. We all went silent. I could feel the fear radiating off everyone as we franticly turned to look around at the alley behind us. I felt the panic creeping up my body as I turned around to see that there was no one in the alley. We looked back at each other, no one saying a word. We all just stared at each other in a complete panic, unsure of what to do next.

"H-he can't have gone far... right?" Joseph stuttered, with obvious fear in his voice.

"I'm sure he is around here somewhere, let's just split up and look," Maria calmly stated. I was so thankful that she could keep her calm and think rationally under pressure.

I took a deep breath, "Yeah I'm sure he is. I'll go back towards the bus stop and see if he went that way." The others nodded and I walked off in the direction I started. I could still feel the panic rising within me, but I had to hope for the best.

I walked down the street. There were only a few people in sight. I saw a woman pushing a stroller to go into the fabric shop on my right. There was an older man passing me on the sidewalk to my left.

I looked across to the other side of the street. There was an old wooden bench placed in front of a pharmacy. On the bench, there was a short, young boy with straight, light brown hair and a pale, rosy complexion. Is that? Oh, thank gods!

I ran across the street towards the boy on the bench. "Liam! Thank gods you're okay!" I yelled, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. "Now what in the world were you thinking running off like that?!"

Once I released him from the hug he looked me in the eyes, then quickly darted his eyes down. "I-I'm sorry," he started, "I was just so scared, and I didn't know what to do..."

I sighed and sat down on the bench. After a few moments, Liam sat down with me. "Listen, Liam, I get it. It is scary. It's going to keep being scary, but our mother is relying on us. We have to do this, we have to be brave."

He looked at the ground for a few moments, then he turned to me, "What if I can't be brave?! I don't know what I'm doing on this quest! I'm not brave! I'm the last person who should be here! You guys are all so strong and courageous, and I'm just... well I'm just me."

As he looked at me, I could see tears start to well up in his eyes. I couldn't help but see some of myself in him. A long time ago, in another life (literally), I was a scared little kid too. I didn't think I was brave and I sure didn't think I was cut out to be on a quest.

"Liam..." I smiled softly at him, "You are brave. How many kids do you know that would come on this quest in the first place? That's pretty brave!"

He smirked slightly back at me, obviously trying to repress the smile. I continued on, "Being brave isn't some magical power that only some people have; it's a choice. You have to make the choice to be brave, and I know you can."

He looked at me for a moment, smiling softly back. Then he finally whispered back a response, "Thanks, Bianca."

"Anytime!" I stood up, "Now let's get going, we have a lot of work to do!"

We walked back to the alley where the others had returned to. As I walked up, I could see them talking to each other, still obviously worried about where Liam was. But, as soon as they saw Liam and I walking up, they both ran up and hugged him. Then Maria proceeded to tell him how worried she was and Joseph offered to train him so he could be more prepared the next time.

After a few minutes, we headed back towards the bus station. We knew it wasn't a good idea to stay in one place for too long, and we had things to do. Thankfully, we still had some more money, so we were able to buy more tickets. This time, on the bus, there were no creepy monster/men, thank gods. I sat next to Liam this time, and Joseph and Maria sat behind us.

I was looking out the window, watching the countryside pass by when I had a thought. I turned back to Maria and Joseph, so all three of them could hear me. "Guys, I was just thinking. The fact that it was Eligantis' minions that attacked us must mean something, right? As far as I can remember, they're not a very common monster."

"You may be onto something," Maria looked to the side for a moment, obviously thinking, "You know, now that I think about. I don't think that there have been many encounters with Eligantis' minions since the Eligantis fell all that time ago. I want to say that there have only been a handful."

"Why did they attack us then? Of all monsters, why them?" Liam asked the question we were all thinking.

Liam and I turned back again, and we all sat for a moment, staring out the windows, puzzled. Then, Maria tapped me on the shoulder. As I turned around I could see visible fear on her face. "I know this sounds insane, but could the Eligantis be back?"

"That's impossible! They were banished to Tartarus!" Joseph interjected.

"Well, the Titans came back, didn't they? Why not the Eligantis?" I added in, a wave of a fear ripping through my body with the memory of the Titans flooding back.

I looked back at my friends to see that they were all staring at me, confused. "How do you know about the Titans returning? That was over 20 years ago, and you've only been at camp for a few weeks. We don't exactly talk about it that much."

I gasped sharply, how was I going to get out of this?  I laughed softly, hoping that would throw them off for a moment. "Oh, someone mentioned it at camp once to me," I tried to seem as nonchalant as possible, "Guess they talk about it more than you thought." I laughed slightly again, hoping I wasn't overselling it.

They looked at me for a few moments longer, all still confused, but eventually, Maria started up again. "Well, whatever, I guess. It is a very real possibility that the Eligantis is back."

"But still, why are they after us?" Liam questioned.

I looked up, thinking for a moment, "What if the Eligantis have our mother?"

"This is all just crazy guys. There's no way they're back and there's no way that they have our mother. I think we're jumping through a lot of hoops to get to this conclusion," Joseph scoffed slightly, but I could sense a twinge of fear in his voice.

"Joseph, this is a very real possibility," Maria responded firmly, "And so far, it's the only idea we have about what is trapping our mother."

"I suppose..." he trailed off as he looked out the window. "On that note, here we are, Asbury Park."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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