New Creature

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Authors Note: Hey guys. I honestly didn't want to do a bunch of research about mythical Greek monsters, so I just decided to make one up. Hopefully, no one minds too much! Anyway, here's some information about it. 


Creature's Name: Eligantis

Pronunciation: El-ee-gahn-tiss

Appearance: This creature is a human- snake combination. It has a snake-like lower body, with a human-like upper body. The snake portion of the body usually appears green and very similar to the lower half of a snake. The human portion of the body is women-like with pale (almost paper-white) skin, long black hair, and red eyes.

Powers: They can turn invisible at will, for any amount of time. They can copy the ability of anyone they touch (for a limited amount of time), and they are very agile.

Weaknesses: Being invisible they are very hard to find. But if you do find one, you can use a certain spell to force them back to being visible. Then they can be killed by chopping off its head.

Backstory: The Eligantis was once plentiful species, back many, many years ago. But they used their powers to terrorize the people and Gods. The Gods eventually got mad at their antics and attempted to kill every last one of them. They had thought they succeeded, but three survived. These three lived on the outskirts of civilization for thousands of years. But eventually, when they had gained enough power, they returned, looking for revenge.

Some Questions You Might Be Wondering About The Creature

How does it move around? This might be confusing, but the bottom half of the body (the snake part) slithers on the grounds, while the top half of the body (the human half) is straight up and down.

When will it make an appearance in the story? Soon

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