Chapter 5

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Author's Note: This chapter was originally written in 2016. I just updated it, so it is written better and has more detail. 


I stopped in my tracks and turned around. It was Nico. It was actually Nico. I couldn't believe I was actually seeing him when I thought I'd never see him again. He looked just like I remembered him, except obviously older. He had the same shaggy, black hair, pale skin, and dark brown eyes. This was all so surreal. Should I say something to him? 

I took a step towards him. I had to say something, right? He was my brother after all. He would have to believe me. I'm sure he'd know it was really me. I stopped and laughed quietly to myself. What in the world am I thinking?! What would I say to him? 'Hi, I'm your sister who died 15 years ago!' He would think I was a lunatic. 

I turned back towards Chris, I couldn't talk to Nico, not yet. I'd have to think of what to say to him. "You all good there, Bianca?" Chris asked worriedly. 

"Y-yeah," I stuttered, "I'm fine. I just thought I saw someone I knew." I went to take one more look at Nico, but he was gone. He seemingly disappeared into thin air. I hoped I would get the chance to talk to him someday.

We continued our walk to the Hermes cabin in silence. I think Chris knew something was wrong, but thankfully he didn't ask about it. I couldn't tell him about Nico, or my past life. He seemed nice, but I couldn't trust anyone with this secret. I wasn't supposed to remember, but I sure as hell wasn't going to be forced into forgetting. 

After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at the cabin door. There we were greeted by a 20 something, blond-haired, tall, yet slim man. "Hey, Chris! Oh, and you must be Bianca!" he smiled warmly at the two of us. "I'm Ben, the counselor of the Hermes cabin. Let's get you settled in." He motioned at the door and moved his body at of the way. Just from this small interaction, He seemed like a nice person. I could also tell that he was most definitely an extrovert. He had a certain aura that you could tell drew people to him. 

"H-hi, thanks," I smiled slightly. I did try to come off as friendly, but I was never that great around new people. I hoped I didn't give off a bad first impression.

"Of course! Well, it's nice to meet you. I'll let you go and meet your fellow campers, but feel free to come to me with any questions you may have! You can set your stuff down over there," Ben smiled again and pointed to a spot on the floor. "I'll come to check on you later, I just have to tend to some things quickly. But feel free to make yourself comfortable!

"Thank you," I smiled genuinely, thankful for his hospitality.

"Alright well, I better get going. The satyr duties never end," Chris laughed, "It was nice getting to know you, have fun in the Hermes cabin and I'll see you around!"

"Bye, thanks," I waved at Chris as he was leaving. I was very thankful for his help in getting me here, but I didn't see us becoming friends. He was very concentrated on his job, which was good, but I doubted he was that interested in making friends. He was just here to do his work.

After Chris had both walked away, I walked over to the spot Ben had pointed to and set my bag on the twin bed. Thankfully, the bed already had sheets, a pillow, and a blanket, since I didn't have any. I sat down on my bed and took a look around the cabin. There were eight other beds, but only five of them were occupied, spaced out around the room. All the beds were twins, like mine. They all unsurprisingly had blue and black sheets, the colors of Hermes. The walls were also painted a dark blue, and the floor was filled with a white, soft carpet.

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