Chapter 15: Dancing and Dumb Diets

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       Except for the three times we ate, Kanda and I pretty much slept around all day. It made me really happy that he was okay with it, too. I mean, he obviously enjoyed it as much as I did, but he didn't even ask me why I wanted to be with him like that all day. He kept his promise.

My eyes flicker open, the dawn light bathing the small room. I was facing the bathroom and Kanda's back was to mine. Pushing up onto my elbows, I look at my boyfriend. He was still asleep, his breathing even and his heartbeat steady. It was eight, and usually he was awake by now, but I guess I wore him out yesterday.

It hit me hard then, sending me bolting into the bathroom. Everything I had eaten in the last day pushed itself up out of my stomach as I leaned over the toilet. I hate vomiting more than anything. Heck, I'd rather have the cramps right now. Once I was done hurling, I brush my teeth until the noxious taste had left my mouth, and take a pill. I'm guessing these were vitamins of some sort since they were smaller.

By the time I returned to the bed, Kanda was sitting up and waiting for me to come back. I sit next to him and pull the blankets over my lower half. He asks, "Why so modest, Kitten? You weren't trying to cover anything yesterday."

I blush, ignoring what he said, "I'm going to the library with Lenalee at noon."

"Okay," he says, laying a hand on my chest and slowly pushing me down. He holds my hands above my head with one of his, and uses the other to hold his weight over me. His rough lips bruise mine before he moves down my jaw. I gasp as he bites down hard on my neck, and I know his teeth marks will be impossible to cover with my turtleneck. I mutter, "Ng...I'm going to...have to explain those..."

His lips turn up, "Exactly, and now everyone will know what you were doing all day yesterday."

I growl, but am cut off as he continues down my chest and nips a pink bud. I moan in pleasure, writhing under him. Of course, while I was mewling he pulled away. A whine escapes my parted lips, and Kanda smirks at me. As soon as he moved his hand restraining me, I flip us over.

I straddled him and while he threw his head back from the pressure, I took advantage of his exposed neck, biting down in the same fashion he did me. He groans, "Dang you..."

I lick the spot before replying, "Guess you'll be explaining, too."

Satisfied, I sit beside him. He glowers at me, "Didn't anyone tell you that the uke doesn't mark the seme?"

I shake my head, "No, but I don't care anyways. Who said I can't be your seme?"

A glint appears in his dark eyes, "Is that a challenge?"

I nod before attacking his chest. He wasn't happy at all an hour later, but I was absolutely overjoyed. I stick my tongue out at him, "Hmph, told ya I could be seme."

He doesn't reply, but instead rolls over. I get on my knees and put my hands on his waist, looking down at him, "No, you're facing it now."

He growls, "I let you be seme. If I had been trying then you wouldn't have been."

I roll my eyes, "Liar, liar, hair on fire."

"What?" he gives me an odd look as he flops onto his back. I blush, "Well, pants on fire didn't seem appropriate."

"Right, I can always fix that," he says, glancing at his jeans draped over the footboard. "No!" I clap my hands over my mouth as soon as I said it, my face probably the deepest crimson it's ever been.

He smirks, "Oh really? I knew you weren't as innocent as you seem."

"You should have figured that out when I bought the lollipops," I mutter.

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