Chapter 46: Kanda's Kitten

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        When I wake up, it was raining really hard outside, at least that's what I could hear. It had been several days since Kanda and I had gotten back together, and it made me really happy that I wasn't getting nightmares anymore.

Opening my eyes, I glance at the balcony door, dark clouds hanging throughout the sky, but the rain didn't look like it was coming down very hard, nothing more than an average drizzle.


Shrinking back, I ask miserably, "Why are you talking so loud?"

Kanda was looking at me as I curl up with my hands over my ears, and then he puts a hand over his face, shaking his head. Removing my own hands, I glance up at him, "What?"

"Look in the mirror," he says, flopping down on his back. Following his order, I get up and walk into the bathroom, immediately noticing why everything was louder.

On top of my head, two black, fluffy ears were twitching around before flattening against my head, a tail swishing behind me like it was an extension of my spine, and I reach my hand up to touch the abnormalities, stroking the fur. Returning to the bed, I sit beside my boyfriend, my ears flat against my head as I say, "I really hate those stupid pills."

"I don't know. I think you look cute like that," Kanda says, scratching behind my ear, and I allow a purr to escape my throat.

"Daddy, meow?"

Turning around, I see Ice sitting on the bed, glancing at my new feline appendages, and I ask, "Ice, did you just call me 'Daddy'?"

She nods, "Yes, meow. You're my daddy, meow."

"Oh gosh, I'd like to see Kanda's reaction to that if I said it," I laugh, curling up a hand and rubbing my eye.

Kanda looked at me worriedly, "My reaction to what?"

"Okay, so I can hear Ice talk now and she says I'm her daddy," I explain, settling on my knees. He smirks, "Really, and who's your daddy?"

"You are, Master," I purr.

"Get a room, meow!" Ice cries, flicking her ears. Rolling my eyes, I object, "Hey, this is our room!"

Seeming to ponder this, she shakes her head, "You could still go somewhere else, meow."

"We could, but if we had sex in the hall, then we'd scar some people for life," I tell her.

"I'm already scarred for life, meow! Do I not matter, meow?"

"You matter, but it's our room to do whatever we want in."

"Whatever, meow."

Kanda sighs, "My boyfriend is having a full out conversation with a cat."

"Your boyfriend also is pregnant and has cat ears and a tail. What's your point?" I ask, prodding his chest.

"Very true," he muses. "Never mind then."

Smiling, I was about to reply when a feral growl erupts from my stomach along with that bouncy ball feeling again. Jumping slightly, I exclaim, "She kicked!"

"How many babies are you having, meow?" Ice asks as Kanda pulls me into an embrace. Slightly scared, I say into his neck, "Humans only have one baby at a time, unless it's twins, triplets, or more, but the more babies, the more rare they become."

"What?" Kanda asks, pulling away from me and moving off the bed to his dresser.

"Ice asked how many babies we were having," I say, resisting the urge to smack at his hair. Chuckling, he says, "I should hope we're only having one."

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