Ch. 1 Stranger in my Bed!

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"I can't wait to return home..." my best friend Jessica said.

"Me too... you have no idea how tired I am! And this bus makes me sick.. I feel like I'm gonna throw up any minute soon!" I've always hated buses. The way they sway your body and the noise their engines makes... AHHH! Hate it.

"I can make your sickness disappear in no time... just say the word baby!" I heard Daniel's voice and his friends laughing behind us. I turned my head to see him leaning on his two elbows against my seat.

"Go away Daniel!" I said.

"It's not nice to eavesdrop!" Jess remarked.

"You know I'm not nice." He winked at me. Oh Lord...

"Daniel, back to your seat now!" thank God Mr. Bacowsky saw him and helped us.

"I can't believe I was his girlfriend!" I whispered in Jess' ear and she nodded her head "I don't know what I saw in him in the first place... he's terrible!"

"Well that's what I told you when you started dating him but would you listen to your best friend? NOO!"

"I'm sorry... "

I begun dating him two months ago and broke up with him like a week ago. I don't know why I was attracted to him; no I was CRAZY about him! He was the most popular and handsome guy in school and the captain of the football team. Maybe I felt flattered when he asked me to be his girlfriend since he was the coolest boy in school but recently, I've begun seeing his true self – he was arrogant, a bully and a hooligan, self-centered, exactly like his friends from the football team. I thought they were pretty cool guys but when I started hanging out with them I came to the conclusion they were all rotten. However, ever since I broke up with Daniel, he's been bullying me and Jess, trying to get back with me. Great way to convince me ha? He was so far away from sensitive and gentle...

"Forget it... tell me what you're gonna do after you return home?" Jess changed the topic.

"Oh man... I'm gonna lay down on my bed and sleep for like 2 days straight. I wanna forget everything that happened."

"Me too, honey."

"And I guarantee you, I'm never again going camping with the class!" 7 days with my "friendly" class in the forest - what a blessing....

"Me too! Even if they kill me, I'm not going!"

After an hour or so we finally arrived at school from where we had to go to our homes alone. I and Jess hurried to get off the bus and leave so that we won't bump into Daniel and his gang because we've had enough of their smart ass pick up lines.

"I'm so glad this shit is over.." Jess said.

"Tell me about it!" I was enjoying the warm wind blowing through my hair and gently swaying the trees around us.

"Next time I gotta go somewhere with the class I'll be deadly ill!"

"Yeah and I'll mysteriously disappear!" we both laughed. We continued walking, passing the centre of the town.

It was a small town so we didn't really need a car to get to school. In the middle of the city, right on top of the city hall, there was a head of something a wolf. They say that 60 years ago our town was haunted by a wild beast that killed many people.

"Do you really believe in the legend about the beast, Jess?" I suddenly asked her looking up at its head. The air was filled with noises from the swaying trees.

"Pfuu... please! That's just some stupid tail people made up so that our small and stupid town can get the attention of tourists. Such things don't exist, YN. Please, don't tell me you believe them... "

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