Ch. 46

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"You!?" we heard Michael say, after he opened the door.
"We came as soon as we heard what happened!" then out of the nowhere Jeremy froze with the cup in his hand. What was going on? What would make Jeremy freeze like that. "Oh my boy come to me, I'm so glad you're okay!"
"Mom, please..." I heard Michael. Jeremy slowly placed the cup on the table and whispered
"Catherine... See, YN... things are getting better and better." his eyes glistened. 

I didn't know what Jeremy meant by that but when Catherine and Joseph entered the kitchen and as soon as Catherine saw Jeremy, her reaction was what made me shiver...

She saw Jeremy sitting at the kitchen table. She opened her mouth wide and her eyes became huge but not in an exciting way, she was terrified. Meanwhile Jeremy got up from the chair, staring right into her eyes with an evil smile on his face. While her eyes glistened with terror, his glistened with rage and passion. She dropped her pursue on the floor and took a step backwards but in a very weird manner for her whole body was petrified and it seemed like she was hardly able to move it. She looked like she was about to collapse. Michael and Joseph held her by the arms and started asking if everything was okay. She was unable to utter a sound. Jeremy, on the other side, observed her with the same facial expression. 

I didn't know if Michael and Joseph had noticed that Jeremy was the cause for Catherine's trouble but I did, very clearly. 

I remembered the story Jeremy told us about him and Catherine, so maybe she thought he was dead and this was a huge surprise to her now, or maybe she was dreadfully scared of him for she knew he was a werewolf. Either way, it wasn't a pretty moment. 

Catherine, I believed for the sake of Joseph, who didn't know the truth about Michael and Jeremy, managed to regain her strength and finally spoke

"I'm okay..." she sounded as if she had run a marathon. "I just forgot to take my blood pressure medicine this morning..."
"Do you want to sit down, mother?" Michael asked, still holding her up by the arm. She nodded. The two men brought her to the table and she sat down right in front of Jeremy. 
"And who are you?" Joseph asked Jeremy.
"Jeremy, a neighbor and a very close friend to this family." he shook hands with Joseph. We didn't say anything. Joseph didn't know the truth and this was not the right time to tell him. 

Catherine's face started to turn white. It was clear she wasn't feeling alright and that this was a huge shock to her. Jeremy and Joseph had a small talk and Michael noticed his mother, so he told me to take her upstairs. 

I escorted her to my room and offered her to lie down a bit. She did that but was still white as a ghost and shivered. I got up to bring her a blanket but she grabbed my arm quickly.

"YN, where did you and Michael meet Jeremy?" I sighed and decided to be honest with her.
"Catherine, I know the truth about Michael's biological father..."
"You do? How?" she was surprised as hell because no one in the family except her of course knew.
"Jeremy found us and told us everything about you and him..."
"But what does he want from us? Why is he here?"
"He wants to be with Michael, he said."
"But how did he know.. how.. I don't understand it. Listen, YN, that man is very dangerous! You have no idea what he's capable of! We have to run... you have to move from this town!" trust me I know that and I've seen it.
"Catherine, I know everything about Jeremy..." I decided to tell her the truth. She froze again for a second.
"What everything?" 
"That he's a werewolf."
"Oh God..." she begun crying "I'm sorry about that and I'm also happy at the same time! If I had told people that Jeremy's a werewolf years ago, no one would have believed me.."
"It's okay... "
"But how did it happen?"
"Well people started dying... We first thought it was some kind of animal because they were brutally murdered and their bodies found dissembled. Long story short, me and my friends saw the werewolf one night and ever since then we made it our first priority to find the human behind the beast... and we did... actually it was more like, the beast found us... Then, Jeremy revealed himself in front of me and Michael. He told us that the scent of Michael in this town woke him up from a deep slumber. Because Michael is his son, he had a specific type of scent and that was how Jeremy discovered he had a son."
"Oh God... all my life I lived in fear that this could happen and there... it happened."
"We wanted to run away but Jeremy is very quick and won't let us. He lives the house next to ours and watches us all the time."
"We're in serious danger, YN..."
"I don't believe he would hurt Michael or my family but still..."
"He can't be trusted, YN, trust no one!"
"Can he be..." I remembered that Jeremy was downstairs and was probably listening to us talking now, so I leaned closer to Catherine and whispered in her ear "stopped?"
"I don't know, YN..." she whispered too. "I thought he was dead! But what about silver?"
"I don't think that will work... they already tried killing him with silver but he survived."
"This is all my fault... I should have never looked at Jeremy!"
"It's not your fault! You didn't know!"

Who was I to blame her? I fell in love with Michael, thinking he was my cousin. 

"You can't change the past!" I continued "You must focus on the future and we must think of a way out!"
"Joseph can't find out, YN!" I nodded "You have to help me. You will, right?" I agreed.

Help Michael, help Jeremy, help her?

Someone knocked at the door.

"Come in!"

It was Michael and Joseph.

"Jeremy left." Joseph said "He invited us to dinner too, isn't that great?" me and Catherine looked at each other "He seems like a nice guy, right?"
"You have no idea..." I said.
"Honey, are you feeling better? C'mon, let's go to the store. We arrived here empty handed, this is not polite. Let's get something for YN's parents and for Jeremy! We can't go empty handed to dinner either, right! C'mon!"

Later when we and Michael remained alone, he came into my room and lay down on my bed next to me to cuddle. 

"What are we going to do?" I felt his breath on my neck as he spoke.
"We have to go to dinner." I sighed "If we run away from this town, he'll probably kill my parents and then find us. If we don't do what he wants, God know what he'll do..."
"That son of a bitch has us trapped! But I swear YN, I'll find a way out of this!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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