Ch. 26 Hello again, Beasty

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I like listening to Slipknot while writing werewolf-bloody-chapters :D

And you think that Michael is the werewolf?
He may be. He may not be.
No one knows what will happen in my stories.

"Do we really have to do this?" Jess asked.
"Yes. Come on, the beast is probably still in town!" Derek said to kind of calm us down and cheer us up a little. "Now is our chance!" I didn't know if his words made me more courageous or not, but I wanted to end this story once and for all.
"Let's go." I said and stepped forward into the forest, the rest followed me after a few seconds.

We went further into the dark forest and the high trees surrounded us like a deaf crowd, starring into our souls with their evil, cold eyes, reading our deepest, darkest secrets.

The air was fresh and cold, filled with the smell of trees and dirt. Only birds could be heard from time to time, but we could hardly see them as it was so dark. Only the moon light could penetrate through the trees to lighten our way a little.

My senses were running so high tonight! My ears were so sharpened, that I could hear every leaf and stick I stepped on in the forest. My skin could feel the lightest blow of the wind and its direction, but when it came to my eyes... it was just too dark.

We were all silent for we were scared to death and too concentrated on watching out for the beast. I had the feeling it could appear any second soon behind some tree and attack us!

The forest was calm and quiet, however, it couldn't affect us. On the contrary I believed it was only enhancing our fears and insecurities. It was this calmness and silence that made us even more frightened.

But to my utmost surprise, we made it to the gypsies safe! The werewolf didn't show up even once! Derek was right, after all. The beast must have remained in town, which made me think, what would we find in the morning? How many corpses?

Thank God my parents and Michael were out of town.

The gypsies had their little house-tents locked up and were surprised to see us. At first, they thought we were the werewolf as we made noises when we entered their small village, but when they saw it was us, they welcomed us.

We sat down with the old lady from before and explained her everything.

"I told you, the beast is smart!" she said with her strong accent. "It's not going to be so easy to take it down..." I was looking through out the small window while she was talking. I was just too nervous and I had this disturbing feeling within me that the werewolf could appear from the forest and attack us. This damn village was in the forest, after all! I wondered how those people could sleep during fool moon in the forest!? "Don't worry, it doesn't come here!"
"Excuse me?"
"The beast. It doesn't usually come here. You can stop looking out of the window." she replied "Stay here for tonight, it's too risky to leave and pass the forest now!" how could I stay here? In the middle of the forest?! And this tent thing wasn't like a house with strong walls and windows!! This was insane..

Just before I decided to remove my self from the window and go sit with the others, I saw something move in the distance.

I didn't say anything as I didn't want to give false alarms and scare them, so I looked again and focused my stare at that particular spot.


But then something moved again! There was something! And it looked like a person... so maybe it wasn't the werewolf! Phew... It must have been one of the gypsies. Just before I turned around to go sit down, with the very tip of my eye I saw a person who looked similar to me!

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