Chapter 11 (Last Chapter)

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It's been 2 months and Zayn and Perrie finally woke up after a week. We went to visit them and Carter was so happy to see hid parents again. They're so happy now. As for Harry and Rosie, They now have baby twins named Archie and Alice. They're happy too.

Louis and Eleanor got married and adopted a girl named Freya. They're a great family. Liam is dating Dani and they're the perfect couple.

What about Niall and I, you ask? Well, we are the best family ever. The triplets are the best kids ever. We all love each other and even though I took my chances with everything that happened in the past, I'm glad I did because I love my life. I love the boys. I love my mum and dad and brothers. I love my kids. And I love Niall.

The End!

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