Double Trouble

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Isabel Reilly dropped the girl who she had just drank from and chuckled while wiping away some blood around her rosey coloured lips. She took her elbow length brown hair out of it's pony-tail as she was now full and didn't want to feed for a while. Her phone rang and she sighed in frustration, not even looking at the caller she answered.

"What!?" She snapped as she was not in the best mood today after finding out about Katerina Petrova's surprising arrival back to Mystic Falls.

"Calm down, sister. I just called to ask where you were, you weren't at home so I figured I'd call and see whe-" Her sister, Cara Reilly, was interrupted.

"I'm fine! Okay, I know I'm your baby sister and all but you don't need to be constantly checking up on me all the time." Isabel sighed, she could tell Cara was rolling her eyes at her.

"I just want to make sure you don't do anything stupid".Cara admitted, Isabel glared, even though she knew it was to a dead corpse on the floor.

"Don't worry, sis, I won't touch your filthy werewolf boyfriend unless he goes near me first." Isabel sneered. Cara's friend, Mike Landfore, was a werewolf, he knew Cara was a vampire too, they swore not to tell anyone that they were friends though, their families would kill them. Isabel knew Cara liked Mike, very much, but Mike didn't have a clue and neither of them knew if Mike liked Cara back.

"I'm not worried about Mike right now, I'm worried about you, you're so, so." Cara tried to finish her sentence, but Isabel finished it for her.

"Unpredictable? I think that's the word you're fishing for." She said with a smirk, Cara could tell she was smirking too just by the way she was talking.

"Yes, and psychotic at times, and manic, which are both kind of the same things but still. Isabel sometimes you scare me, and it shouldn't be that way. I shouldn't have to tell you this over the phone because I'm scared you'll hurt me when I see you. I shouldn't be scared of my sister, but I am, I still love you, I'm just afraid you'll lose your temper one day and seriously hurt someone you love." Cara admitted, her voice was shaky and she sounded as if she was about to cry, isabel just sighed. She felt bad, yes, but she wasn't going to let her guard down, even for her sister.

"Look, Cara, I love you and you know I do, but this is who I am, I'm not going to change, I can't change. I would never hurt you, I promise you, if I ever hurt you I would hate myself forever, you're the only bit of family I have left, Car." Isabel reassured her older sister, the way they acted it was if Isabel was the older one. The two didn't even look alike, Isabel had dark blue eyes, Cara had light green, Cara also had blonde hair an it was curly most of the time. Cara was 19 and was in her last year of school and Isabel was 18, she was thrilled that she had been turned when she was 18 because she would technically be an adult but still a bit of a teen.

"I'll see you when you come home, Is, I love you, please don't do anything stupid." Cara begged and then hung up, Isabel just put her phone back in her pocket and began to walk away. As she was walking she sensed someone behind her, as she turned around she clenched her fists, ready to attack.

"Who's there?" She asked, quite calmly, but when she got no reply and just someone flashing past her she began to get angrier.

"Come out now! Or are you too scared?" She challenged, as soon as she said that a man appeared in front of her. As in right in front of her, she didn't back away from the attractive man though. She wasn't afraid to admit he was attractive, because wow, he was beautiful! His dark hair was tustled and in a mess and his eyes were very dark, he needed to feed.

"How rude of me not to introduce myself," He spoke with his beautiful english accent, "I'm Kol Mikaelson." He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles. Isabel just raised an eyebrow as the name sounded very familliar, she just didn't know where she heard it.

"I suppose you're expecting me to be melting in your hands right about now, huh?" She asked with that cocky smile of hers.

"Not exactly, I expect you to tell me your name, I told you mine." He told her she smiled and took both his hands in hers and he smirked, thinking he had won her over. She got in really close to his face and was about to connect their lips until she glided her lips towards his ear.

"Don't ever expect anything from me, you told me your name, doesn't mean I have to tell you mine." She whispered then gave him a long lingering kiss on the cheek and pulled away his expression made her smirk once again. Kol snapped out of his trance and scowled at the girl, he went to snap her neck but it didn't work. She laughed, and shook her head then pushed him, that's all it took for him to fall to the ground, nothing most other vampires could do to an original. He growled and pulled out a stake and stabbed her with it, she glared at him and pulled the stake out of her heart. It was painful but it would take a lot more than that to kill her, there was only one thing that could kill her, but nobody knew what it was, it was the same with Cara. Though if a werewolf bit either one of them they would be in serious pain, but they wouldn't die, they'd just be stuck with the pain until an original vampire healed them. But Isabel didn't know Kol was an original, she still couldn't remember where she'd heard of him before. She stabbed him with the stake, he didn't die, he didn't go unconcious, nothing. They both knew there was something different about the other vampire in front of them, they just didn't know what how to kill them, they just knew, they wanted them dead.

"Honey, you should really save this for another day when you actually know how to kill me, or even hurt me." Isabel advised him, he growled and kicked her in the stomach, it didn't hurt, that much, but the imact made her fall to the ground. While she was getting up he had disappeared, she scoffed and went home, mumbling how much of a stupid scared idiot he was.

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