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 "Long time no see, Vaughn." Isabel stood up straight with a smirk on her face, he returned the smirk and stepped towards her slowly, but she didn't move.

 "Still as beautiful as ever I see." He complimented, she chuckled and flicked her hair behind her shoulder.

 "Well, I do try." She spoke cockily, "I guess you're not that bad either, how long's it been? Five maybe six years?" She guessed, he circled her and looked her up and down, he stopped behind her and leaned in to whisper into her ear.

 "I'm not sure, I just know it's been too long." He whispered and leaned in then kissed her neck, she turned around and grabbed his arms, which were snaking around her waist.

 "Sorry to rain on your parade, Vaughn, but that won't work on me anymore, we both know you're here to kill me." She told him, she let go of his arms and they fell to his sides, he looked at her and smiled.

 "Nothing gets by you does it?" He quickly grabbed the stake from his back pocket but before he could stab her she grabbed his arm and twisted it. He screamed in pain and drobbed the stake, she kicked him away and picked up the stake off the ground.

 "You know, if I was insane enough I would stab you with this." She teased as she walked towards Vaughn who was crawling backwards while she played with the stake in her hand. "But that would be too easy." She told him then threw the stake far away into the tall green grass. He sighed in relief, suddently Isabel ran to him and knelt down to he level looking him straight in the eye. "I'd say I don't do easy but I'd be lying considering I done you." With that she knocked him out with one simple punch in the face. Smiling she stood up and ran off to find her sister, the first place she planned to go to was the Mikaelson house. When she arrived she kicked down the door and ran into the house, instead of being greeted by her favourite family she was greeted with Mike.

 "Mike, where is Cara?" Isabel asked, she didn't care about Mike's safety at this moment, just her sisters. Mike didn't answer her, he just growled, she started to get nervous, had Klaus already gotten to him? Her question was answered when Klaus appeared in the room with a wide grin on his face.

 "Isabel, just in time for the show." He welcomed, her eyes widened in fear. "Can you guess what the main attraction is?" She gulped.

 "Cara?" She guessed, he chuckled, suddently Kol and Rebekah appeared behind her, when she looked back at Klaus his smile had disappeared.

 "You." He growled, after he said this Isabel felt two strong arms grab her from behind, she knew it was Kol.

 "Let me go or I'll rip you to pieces!" She screamed, she managed to get him to release one arm and turned to face him.

 "You have no idea how long I've waited to finally kill you, darling." He told her with a glare, Isabel looked deeply into his eyes, wondering if he was telling the truth.

 "But what about everything that happened earlier, are you just going to forget about that?" She asked in attempt to make him feel guilty, he just laughed and took hold of her other arm tightly, she gasped in pain. He leaned close to her, pressing their foreheads together but still looking in her eyes.

 "What happened today meant nothing to me, do you understand me, I mean nothing." He promised, she felt so confused and a little hurt. She had no idea what she had felt earlier that day, she knew she hated him but she wasn't going to deny the fact that she felt something. Before she could say anything Kol pushed her into Klaus. "She's all yours brother, do as you please." Klaus smiled once again.

 "Look I don't care what you do with me anymore, where is my sister?" She asked while holding her left arm in pain after Kol's strong grip.

 "Well she's currently trying to find you, but she'll mysteriously bump into Elijah on the way and he'll bring her to where you are which will be a lie. Then who knows what Elijah'll do with her, kill her, bite her, but let's be real here, they're both the same thing." Rebekah informed her, she chuckled at the end, Isabel just scowled at her.

 "And what are you going to do to me?" Isabel asked, everyone in the room, bar Mike who seemed to be in an emotionless trance, laughed.

 "We're going to kill you, love, better yet, I'm going to kill you." Kol told her, taking pride in the fact that he was going to be the one to do it.

 "You wouldn't." She challenged, he stepped forward.

 "Try me." He dared, Kol looked up at Klaus as if asking for permission, Isabel looked over at Klaus praying he would shake his head. The odds were most definitely not in her favour, he simply smirked and nodded his head, himself and Rebekah moved to the other side of the room.

 "Kol, you really don't want to kill me." Isabel tried to convince him, but he was having none of it. He ran to her and grabbed her neck.

 "Don't tell me what I want and don't want to do." He growled and threw her to the floor, before she had any time to move he was above her in a heartbeat. He hissed his fangs at her, she let a tear drop, the realisation kicking in, she was going to die. "Any last words, love?"

 "No, but I just have one thing I need to do." She told him, he just looked at her in a questioning look but still held his scowl. It took all she had to not cower out of it, she shot up quickly and pressed her lips to his. She held the kiss for a few seconds, waiting for him to move away, when he didn't she moved her lips, feeling his kiss back. She pulled away after a long while and looked at him, he opened her eyes and looked at her, his fangs were gone. "Now you tell me you don't feel anything." 

 Klaus and Rebekah looked in amazment at what was going on in front of them, Klaus took a step forward but Rebekah stopped him. They all awaited for Kol's reaction, for Isabel it felt like hours untill he finally even blinked.

 "Klaus, kill her yourself." Kol told him before standing up and walking out of the room, Rebekah followed him. Klaus looked at Isabel in shock, Isabel had no idea what to think about what had just happened.

 "What did you do?" He asked her, she didn't know what he was talking about, before she had a chance to find out someone walked into the room.

 "Caroline?" Isabel questioned, Klaus turned around and to his surprise there stood Caroline.

 "Klaus, please let her go." Caroline begged, Isabel had no idea what she was doing but if it resulted in her freedom she didn't care.

 "Caroline what are you doing here?" Klaus asked walking towards her, Caroline done something strange to her hand when Klaus had his back to Isabel. Quickly she gave Isabel a look that told her to leave while she still could while Caroline distracted Klaus.

 "I need to tell you something." Caroline told him, Klaus sighed in frustration, she just gave him an innocent look.

 "Can it not wait until later, Caroline?" He asked, she shook her head and took his hand in hers.

 "It really can't, I need to get this off my chest." Caroline looked down and smiled to herself, glancing at where Isabel was a second ago then back to Klaus. "I broke up with Tyler." She told him then let go of his hand.

 "Why is this important news?" Klaus asked, his eyebrows furrowed, Caroline smiled at him once again and shook her head.

 "You're so oblivious." She told him before sighing and walking off, Klaus wanted to go after her but he knew he had to get back to Isabel before she got out of this again.

 "Sorry about that love-" He turned around and stopped when he saw she was no longer there, he growled loudly in anger. "ISABEL!"

Why did Caroline help Isabel? What's wrong with Kol? What's with all the questions? I guess we'll have to find out! The next chapter is going to be based on Cara a little, but then it'll be back to Isabel again, don't worry. Hope you enjoy!

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