Surprise yourself

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 "Haven't seen Isabel around in school, wonder why that is?" Rebekah asked with a smirk, Cara raised an eyebrow and dragged Rebekah into the bathroom.

 "Where is my sister?"  Cara growled, Rebekah chuckled and shrugged.

 "I may or may not of accidentally dragged her into the forest, she should be around there trying to move." Rebekah told her, Cara gasped.

 "H... How?" Cara whispered in shock, Rebekah smiled her evil smile and leaned in to whisper to Cara.

 "I bit her." And with that she ran out of the bathroom to who knows where while Cara stood in shock. After a few seconds the realization hit her and she ran out of the room, through the hallway past everyone and out the main doors.

 "Don't worry Izzy, I'm on my way!" She said quietly to herself as she ran with vampire speed into the forest.

 "It's been at least an hour, where are you Izzy?" Cara asked herself, she slowed down a good half hour ago after she realized she'd eventually get too tired to go on after a while. She heard rustling behind her and froze, there were footsteps coming closer, they seemed to be coming in every direction.

 "Come out now!" She demanded, the rustling came nearer. "If you don't come out now I swear I'll make you." She threatened, a shadow appeared next to her own and she turned around in surprise. She smiled and wrapped her arms around the boy in front of her, she felt his strong arms wrap around her waist.

 "Oh Mike you scared me!" She told him and pulled away to look him in the face, her eyebrows furrowed. "Are you alright? You're just staring into space there, at least say hi." Cara pointed out, his eyes looked into hers.

 "I love you," He began, Cara giggled and hugged him again. "And it's because I love you that I have to do this." He told her, she went to look at him again but he grabbed her neck and pulled her hair out of the way of her skin.

 "Mike, what are you doing?" She asked, she knew what he was going to do, she just couldn't believe it. "Please! Please don't do this!" She screamed and tried to escape from his grasp, but it was no use, the running had tired her out. She could feel his lips kiss her neck before a growl erupted from his throat and she knew he was about to bite her. Suddenly Cara was pulled back by someone and Mike was stabbed, he fell to the ground gripping the knife he was just stabbed with.

 "Mike! No!" Cara cried as she watched the love of her life die right in front of her, she crawled over to his body and took his hand. "I love you so much." She whispered as the last bit of life inside of him was drained from his body. She turned around to see her savior, not sure whether to thank them or kill them, she was surprised in who she found when she turned around.

 "Elijah?" She questioned, Elijah knelt down beside her and took her other hand in both of his.

 "Did he hurt you?" He asked, Cara shook her head, tears still spilling from her eyes.

 "No, but you hurt me, you killed him, my boyfriend! I loved him Elijah, more than you could ever imagine." She shouted at him, she was so upset right now she didn't care anymore if anyone killed her. Then Elijah let go of her hand and pulled her into a hug, she cried harder but didn't pull away. She calmed down a bit, when she did her eyes widened and she pushed Elijah away then stood up while wiping the tears off her cheeks. She was still upset but now she was as angry as ever, angry at Elijah.

 "Why is it that every time I find someone I love you always screw up my relationship by killing them all!?" She shouted at him, he got up off of the ground and dusted off his clothes.

 "You know we wouldn't have a problem with me killing your boyfriends if you didn't go out with all the wrong people." He explained, she slapped him across the face, taking him off guard. He raised his hand to his cheek and scowled at her, but closed his eyes and took a deep breath to control his anger. It was true what people said about him having a bad temper, he was just as short tempered and dangerous as all of his other siblings he just managed to control it.

 "There was nothing wrong with Mike!" She growled at him, he sighed and took a step towards her.

 "He tried to kill you, and he was werewolf! What made you think that would be a good idea?" He asked, she folded her arms in front of her chest.

 "I wasn't thinking about the consequences I was only thinking about how much I loved him, now I'll never find that kind of love again." She admitted, her mood dropping again, Elijah put a hand on her shoulder.

 "You'll find someone who loves you one day, someone that's not a psychopath." He promised, she chuckled slightly but then her thoughts just went back to Mike.

 "There's nobody else in this world who could make me feel the way he did, kiss me the way he did or love me the way he did." She mumbled but he heard her loud and clear. Suddenly he grabbed her arm and pulled her forward and pressed his lips on hers. She had no idea how to react, she knew she should pull away but at the same time something inside her wouldn't let her. While she was trying to debate what to do she didn't realize that she was kissing him back. After a few seconds he pulled away and looked at her, she opened her eyes and looked back at him in surprise.

 "I love you, Cara, I've loved you for centuries now." He confessed, she gaped, Elijah Mikaelson was in love with her. The man who is supposed to be her worst enemy, the man who's saved and caused so many heartbreaks.

 "What about Katherine?" Cara asked, Elijah chuckled and raised an eyebrow at Cara.

 "You honestly believed I, of all people, was in love with Katherine, please, I know about all of her tricks." He scoffed, Cara gave him a half smile.

 "I'll tell you what, Elijah. We start over, be friends and all that then we'll see where that takes us. I just can't jump back into a relationship after what happened." She suggested, Elijah smiled and gently took her left hand in his right, he leaned in and kissed it.

 "Anything for you m'dear." He told her and she smiled at him and took his hand.

 "Can you please take me away from here, I need to find Isabel before Klaus kills her." Cara asked, Elijah nodded and they walked towards the Mikaelson house. Cara turned her head and looked behind her to see Mike's corpse in the same place as it was a few minutes ago.

 "I'll always love you Mike, always." She promised to herself while taking a deep breath and looking at Elijah, she had always thought he was nothing but another lousy Mikaelson but she never looked behind that. She never imagined that she would be walking hand in hand with him through a forest right after he confessed his love to her and kissed her. But she just remembered what her mother used to say all the time 'If you look at something with an open mind, you can surprise yourself'.

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