Secret's out

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Cara sighed and marched up to Elijah, this time there was no fear within her, she was too angry and too fed up about everything to even think about being scared.

"Give me those!" She ordered as she tried to snatch them out of his hands, he moved his arm so she couldn't get them. Cara growled in anger and Elijah raised a curious eyebrow, at this Cara groaned and pushed him, it didn't do much, then walked back to the door and sat down.

"Love, what are you doing sitting there? You look like a child." Elijah teased, Cara glared at him then stood up as he walked towards her.

"Don't even dare try hurt me or I swear you'll regret it." She threatened, Elijah let out a quiet chuckle and moved so there was a little gap between them.

"Oh Carolyn, I'm not going to hurt you." Elijah promised with a smile, he wasn't expecting for her to punch him in the face and kick him to the ground. He looked up at her in a mix of confusion and anger, she hissed her fangs at him.

"You know to NEVER call me that! My mother used to call me that and you know that, nobody's called me that in almost 300 years, I hate it! It's Cara or nothing, got it?" He just nodded, but he looked as if he felt kind of guilty. Cara sighed and her fangs disappeared, then she looked at the ground and noticed three silver items, her keys. Elijah looked beside him and saw them too, they both ran to them simultaneously, Cara grabbed them first but Elijah grabbed her hand. Cara gasped at the tightness of his grasp, then looked at him to tell him to loosen his hand, but when she looked up her nose brushed against his. She looked into his eyes to see something she didn't expect, guilt, what was he guilty for?

"I'm so sorry." He whispered, Cara was confused until she knew what he was about to do, but before she could look away it was too late.

"I want you to tell me how to kill you and where it is." Elijah compelled, Cara tried to keep her mouth shut, the tears were dimming her vision, she couldn't hold it in anymore.

"The thorn-tree stake is hidden in a safe behind a painting in the hallway of my house." She blurted out, after she said this he let go of her hand and stood up. She looked up at him, dropping her keys then stood up. "Please don't kill us." She whispered as she was unable to stabilize her voice. His hand cupped her cheek and he wiped away a stray tear with a sigh.

"I won't kill you, but I make no promises concerning my siblings." He told her honestly, she sniffled and wiped away her tears and swatted his hand away. She turned her back on him, grabbed her keys and walked around him to the front door.

"You know, I still remember what you said to me the last time we met, before you came back." She began, he turned to look at her in curiosity. "After you killed Thomas you promised me that you would make sure nobody hurt me like that again. You know what a promise is, Elijah? That's giving me your word and I know you're a big fan of keeping your word. So why make an exception just for me? Is it because of your family, if it is I understand, I would have done everything for my family, I would know that too, which is why I would never promise something like that." As she spoke Elijah thought about that day. He remembered seeing Thomas saying he'd see Cara later and kissing her, and he remembered seeing him not even 2 hours later with another woman. He was so angry, not just because he cheated on Cara but because it was with Katerina, his Katerina, there was no denying he was in love with her and still was.

"I promised nobody would hurt you like that, and I keep that promise, I won't let anybody break your heart, but I-"

"Let me guess, but you didn't promise that you wouldn't let anybody break my bones, I get it, you found a loop hole. Well guess what, I don't care anymore, I'm sick of hearing excuses from everybody. Just go home Elijah, go tell your hybrid brother how he can kill me and where the weapon is." Cara was getting angrier by the second. She unlocked her door and opened it but before she walked in she turned around to him once more, he was looking at her with sad filled eyes. "I hope Isabel kills you." She whispered and slammed the door in his face, Elijah froze for a few seconds to think about what she had just said. After a few moments of silence he went back to the Mikaelson house while Cara stood in the same place for about 5 minutes. She remembered Isabel, that she could be dead, her whole conversation with Rebekah was coming back to her.

"Hey sis, where were you? Off having fun with Mike or off doing homework with Mike?" She jumped when she heard Isabel's voice coming from the kitchen. A smile grew on her face and she placed a hand over her heart in relief. She walked in to where Isabel was sitting at the table reading a book titled 'The Hunger Games' Cara knew Isabel had stolen that from her room, she loved that book.

"Well if you really must know, we were having a bit more fun than homework." Cara answered, this made Isabel drop the book on the table with a gasp, it made Cara smile slightly in amusment.

"Cara you dog! Or should I say, Cara's doing a dog." Isabel joked and put her legs up on the chair beside them. "Details now!"

"It was nothing really, he just told me how much he cared for me, then told me he loved me and we hugged, we told each other how we felt he kissed me and he told me that he'll always protect me." Cara explained, Isabel didn't seem that interested until she mentioned that they kissed.

"And, how was, you know, IT?" Isabel asked, Cara sighed and a pout grew on her face.

"Unfortunately we didn't get that far, I got a call from the Princess Original." Isabel took her legs down from the chair and leaned over closer to Cara.

"What did she say?" Isabel asked, her voice getting serious, Cara wondered if she knew about everything going on.

"Just that her and her brothers are coming after you, but we don't know which one it will be. they're also coming after me, but I stopped her from telling me who was after me because I got too angry and hung up." Cara explained, Isabel sighed and put her head on the table then back off it and looked at her sister.

"It's Elijah alright, Elijah's going to kill you, I heard Klaus tell him to in the house, whatever you do you have to stay away from him." Isabel warned, Cara instantly got worried, not knowing what to say. Would Elijah really kill her, after everything? She decided not to tell Isabel about her encounter with Elijah.

"Oh yeah one more thing," Isabel began snapping Cara out of her trance. "Where's the cure and why does Klaus think we have it?" Cara gulped, trying to find her voice.

"Because we do."

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