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Isabel groaned as she woke up, her back was in a rather uncomfortable state having slept in the hallway last night. She got up out of her sleeping bag and rolled it up bringing it into her room so she could change her clothes for school. She placed the sleeping bag in another bag and placed it at the bottom corner of her wardrobe, then looked around the room and shivered at the thought of Katherine and some random guy doing 'it' in her room. After a while she just ignored it and got dressed for the day ahead, she put on a long grey top with 'La la land' written in turquoise rhinestones in the front, a see through black cardigan, blue skinny jeans and black vans. She done her make-up like usual and her hair the same as always then she was ready to go. As she walked down the stairs she noticed Cara asleep on the sofa, her empty glass on the table and half empty bottle of wine. Sighing she walked over to her sister and stood right beside her.

"Get up Cara! School'll be over by the time you move!" She shouted and Cara sprung up from the sofa in fright.

"Don't do that!" Cara shouted then went upstairs to get ready while Isabel stood and laughed.

"I'm going to go ahead, see you there!" Isabel told her as she opened the front door, she heard a faint 'okay' from her sister so she walked out and shut the door behind her. They didn't drive as they only lived 10 minutes away from the school. As Isabel walked she sensed someone around her, but kept walking with a smirk plastered on her face. Without turning around she spoke;

"You know Kol, if you wanted to walk me to school all you had to do was ask." And suddenly he was walking beside her, his own smirk on his face.

"Oh, love, I was just afraid of the rejection, but who could reject me, have you seen me?" Kol said sarcastically, Isabel scoffed.

"Yes, I have seen you, which is the exact reason I reject you... love." He glared at her at this insult, she just looked at him and smiled. "Something wrong? You look a bit, what's that emotion, distraught." He grabbed her arm, about to pull her into yet another alley way when she twisted his arm and slammed him against the wall.

"If you wanted to be that kinky you should have warned me first." He teased and raised an eyebrow cockily, she leaned in close to him.

"Oh Kol, if I wanted to seduce you I would have done it a long time ago." She whispered, suddenly Kol swapped their positions so that Isabel was against the wall.

"What if I said I wanted you to?" He questioned while pulling a strand of hair from her face, she laughed.

"Then you would have to dream on, there is no way in hell I would ever try and seduce you, that's what you do, and to be quite honest you're not very good at it." Isabel answered then winked at the end, but Kol's smirk only got wider.

"So you're telling me this," He put his arm around her waist and cupped her chin with his finger while pressing lightly against her. "This has no effect on you at all?" She shook her head, but in honesty she was feeling something, something unexplainable. "And what about this?" He leaned in closer so that their noses were touching but he was still staring into her eyes. She, once again, shook her head. "May I have one more try?" He asked and she nodded, their eyes never leaving each others'. He leaned in slowly, very slowly, Isabel thought her head would explode! Eventually he got there, his lips softly touched hers and they lingered there momentarily. On the inside Isabel was begging for him to stop, as she may lose her pride if she even so expressed one bit of enjoyment, but he didn't. He done it again and this time Isabel met his lips almost half-way, she mentally cursed herself for it once she felt his smile on her lips. He deepened the kiss ever so slightly and she followed his movements as she felt his arm tighten around her waist while brushing his hand through her hair. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moved further to him as they deepened the kiss even more when he licked her bottom lip, he wasn't exactly asking for entrance, he was telling her what he was about to do. She let him anyway, through the whole moment she forgot about her pride, forgot about where she was and forgot why she had repelled the thought of kissing him before. They didn't notice someone walking past and stopping to look at them, the person just stayed there.

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