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Cara closed her car door, she really didn't want to know what Isabel was doing at the Mikaelson's, she it was best if she stayed out of it. She silently hoped Mike was home, if not she would have to go home and mope. She took out her phone and called him, just in case his parents were home.

"Hey, Car!" She heard his beautiful soft voice sound in her ear.

"Hey, Mikey, I'm outside, are your parents home?" She asked, he looked out his window and saw her standing there looking around.

"No they're not, you look beautiful tonight by the way." He complimented, she looked up to where she knew his window was and smiled.

"You look rather dashing in your pyjamas." She told him, she could of sworn she saw a blush on his face. She hung up the phone when she saw him leave and heard his footsteps coming down the stairs. He opened the door for her and was attacked in a hug, he chuckled and hugged her back, kicking the front door closed.

"Great to see you too." He assured her, she smiled and pulled away from him.

"Sorry about that, just some stuff going on. I didn't know anywhere else to go." Cara admitted, Mike placed his hand on her shoulder and pointed at the stairs. She walked up the stairs with him behind her.

"So what mess has Isabel gotten herself into this time?" Mike asked, he wasn't surprised in the slightest that it had something to do with Isabel, it was ALWAYS Isabel.

"Two words, Kol Mikaelson." Was all Cara said, there was a hint of a sigh in her voice though. They walked into Mike's bedroom and Cara threw herself on the bed, she was fed up. She felt the bed dip and looked to see Mike laying next to her, they both stared at the ceiling.

"So, let me guess, Isabel thought it would be a good idea to seduce Kol out of boredom and now he wants to kill her?" Mike suggested, he thought he was dead on until he looked at Cara's face. Her eyes were wide and she was giving him a strange look, she slowly shook her head.

"No, Mikey, just no, even Isabel wouldn't sink as low as that vicious monster." Cara told him, she left out the part that her sister was a vicious monster herself. As was Cara in her past, but she never wanted to relive that, that was the only time her and Katherina Petrova WEREN'T trying to kill each other.

"So what happened?" Mike asked while laying on his side looking at Cara in amazement. He'd never admit to anyone how much he liked her, he didn't even want to admit it to himself. The thought alone could get the both of them killed, he was positive she had no feelings for him at all!

"Isabel and Kol are trying to kill each other, literally. Neither know what kills the other person, but it won't take them long to find out. Isabel is smart, she'll ask around, do some research, probably remember hearing a while back from some witch. But Kol's smart too, as much as it pains me to say it, he's so close to finding out what kills us!" Cara explained, she was getting teary near the end. Mike only knew about one thing that killed them, he didn't know there was a second one. At this moment all he really cared about was the fact the girl he loves is about to start crying. He pulled her into a huge hug and let he cry in his arms. "It won't take him long to realise he can kill us too." Cara spoke in a whisper, Mike looked down at her, she sniffled and looked back.

"Cara, I don't care how much trouble I could get in, NOBODY is going to hurt you okay? Isabel can protect herself, I'm here to protect you. If any of them come near you I'll bite them." Mike promised, Cara smiled, and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, he wrapped his around her waist and they stayed like that for a while.

"I love you so much Mike." She whispered, she wanted him to know how she felt, he had to know. Mike didn't know though, he thought she meant as a friend.

"I love you too, I always have, I always will." He promised, Cara pulled away and looked him in the eyes with a smile.

"You really mean that?" She asked, just making sure, he smiled back and nodded. He was taken aback by what she done next, she shot forward and kissed him full on the lips. He froze momentarily and then realised what was going on. He kissed back, their hands roamed each others' bodies, not caring where they went. Mike pulled Cara down so he was on top of her, she grabbed the ends of his top and played with it for a while before getting bored and taking it off him.

"Big bad wolf has got one nice chest!" She exclaimed, he chuckled and then sheepishly leaned down to kiss her again. They were about to take it further when they heard 'We will Rock you' by Queen, it was Cara's phone.

"OH MY GOD! This better be important." Cara growled, Mike let her get up to go to her jacket on the floor. She sighed and pulled out her phone to see Isabel's number on it.

"What Isabel? Now really isn't the time for your shit!" She complained, she didn't know where that came from, se would never usually say that to Isabel. Maybe being around Mike made her feel safer about these things.

"Wow, I'm sure pretty little Izzy wouldn't like you talking to her like that, would she?" Cara froze at the beautiful english accent on the other line.

"Rebekah, where the hell is Isabel and WHY do you have her phone?" Cara demanded, she heard a chuckle on the other line and could almost FEEL the smirk on the originals face.

"My loving brother has gone to kill her, not like any of us wanted her around any longer."

"Which brother?" Cara asked, scared of the answer.

"That, my dear, is the question, you're just going to have to figure that out." Rebekah teased, Cara frowned then realised something and smiled.

"You don't know how to kill us." Cara stated, Rebekah laughed, this didn't help Cara's nerves at all.

"Actually dear, we do, one simple little bite." Rebekah told her and clicked her teeth for emphasis. Cara refused to cry, she was going to be strong.

"Okay then, bring it, oh and don't tell me which brother you have after me because it'll be fun to find them and kill them. I don't care about any of your family anymore, as soon as the opportunity comes I'm taking each one of you down!" Cara warned then hung up, she was so filled with rage she slipped on her white leather jacket.

"Are you not staying for longer?" Mike asked, she felt bad that she couldn't stay. She walked over to where he was standing beside the door and kissed him slowly with emotion.

"I promise we'll continue this another time, alright?" She asked in a whisper. He smiled and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"If you need me, PLEASE call me, I'll be there as soon as possible." He assured her as they stood at the front door.

"I will, don't worry." She told him before walking out the door. Before she went out the gate she turned around. "I love you." Were the words she said before she left and she knew she heard him say he loved her too.

When Cara pulled up into the driveway she had a huge grin on her face. She walked to the door and rooted around her bag for the keys to the house frowning because she couldn't find them.

"Oh god I left them at Mike's!" She whispered to herself then sighed and reached into the bush next to her where they keep the spare. It wasn't there.

"Looking for this?" A familiar voice sounded, she turned around and right in front of her stood the one, the only, Elijah Mikaelson.

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