Chapter 3

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(ugh more grammer errors and shit sorry)

i awoke in a much smaller room on an old box spring mattress. and the guy was starring at me while leaning forward hands on his head. "i cant figure you out." he said. "excuse me." i said. "im sorry. i just cant tell if your a danger to me or the others." he said continuing to stare at me."what others" i asked him. "forget it." he replied.

"i know a place i can take you to live if you want at least until i get to know that you cause no danger. i mean youll have to be quiet though the others dont know about you yet." he said. i looked at him to see if he was being serious. "ok." i replied.

"come on then follow me and be really quiet."he said standing up. i hadnt realized how tall he was he might be a walking skeleton but he was id say if marilyn was standing next to him thrn this man would be at least a foot taller than him. i stood up to follow but i got an intemse headache and i felt dizzy. i put my hand up to my head and sat back down.

the man was qhickly by my side. "are you ok?" he asked. "yea just stood up to fast." i replied. he relaxed a bit at that. "so i never caught your name?" he stated more of a question. "Samuel and whats yours?" i replied and asked. "Dillon. and such a nice name." he answered then complemented me. was he trying to flirt? i stood up. "im ok to go now." i replied. he smiled at me and then walked out the door i followed. we walked down a hall and out an exit door. we were back into the room i had first been brought to. and then out another exit door and we were outside.

I spotted marilyn. and marilyn saw me and dillon. dillon also saw marilyn. dillion saw marilyn as a threat and stayed between me and him. but i pushed past him and jumped into marilyn arms. "i was looking all over for you you had me worried sick i thought something happened to you." marilyn said. "im sorry baby." i said. dillon cleared his throat. now it was marilyns turn to see someone as a threat. and pushed me behind him. but i saw him wince at how tall the other guy was.

"what were you doing with my girlfriend?" marilyn asked in a pissed off tone. dillon responded with an equaly pissy tone, "id like to ask you what your doing at my house. and your lucky i found her. the others dont hesitate to kill." "dillon." a random voice said. "oh shit." dillon sorta whisper yelled. "what?" he then said to answer the voice. then a person came out of the shadows also another male. "when were you gonna tell the rest of us about yojr little friends?" he asked a little irritated. this man was shorter than marilyn but much wider framed.

he pushed past dillon and put his hands in my hair. marilym stepped foward and dropped him in one punch. "dont fucking touch her, do you hear me. ive fought to hard to get her back." marilyn growled out. "fought?" dillon questioned. marilyn shrugged it off. dillon then motioned for us to follow and we came across an old vacant cabin near a lake. "this is were i was gonna take your girlfriend away from all harm. now come inside and explain your little 'fought' thing." dillon demanded.

the other guy had also followed and was equally curious. marilyn quickly explained the devil. and then he explained killing the devil. they looked shocked. but then he explained he was a demon. and hed do anything for love. then the dillon and the guy told about there encounterz with the devil. dillon had owned the devils house but then he had stolen it and forced him out and hed been living at the abandoned mental insitiution ever since that he was the first of the people to move there. the other guy whos eye was now swollen thanks to marilyns punch. had smarted off to the devil and got his ass handed to him.

then marilyn explained about twiggy. and then they tryed to leave without making seem like they were in a rush. "if twiggy is after you guys you guys never talked to any of us ok." dillon said threateningly. "why?" i asked. "twiggy is the most powerful being in the whole underworld. no one can defeat him he will find you soon and i dont want to be around when that happens. sorry little lady. but we cant help you any longer please stay away from us and the mental insitution. and if he asks i will tell him where i last saw you guys. im not gonna lie to him. hell slaughter me. your on your own." dillon replied. then kissed me on the cheek marilyn didnt seem to mind this. "goodbye and goodluck. some good advice dont die." dillon said.

marilyn just laughed,"he wont kill her, nah, hell kill me. he has this weird obsession with her. he wohldnt hurt her. hed fuck her but never hurt her. so shes safe when it comes to him thats why im not worried." dillon just looked at me. "damn shes cute but didnt know she was that cute," he said then leaned in to get a better look at me,"damn you are cute." "goodbye." i said blushing. he nodded and so did marilyn. then dillon and the other guy walked out the door and into the setting sun.

marilyn got up and walked around. then he walked bavk in the room and picked me up bridal style. and carried me to the room. he laid me down on the bed. then teasingly laid gently on top of me. "is it ok with you if we have some fun?" he asked laughing. he knew he was teasing me.
and follow me


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