Chapter 2

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(sorry in advance for all the grammer errors and letters that should be capitatilzed but are not)

I awoke to Marilyn softly nudging me. My whole body felt sore from all the running around me and Marilyn had to do from running from Twiggy. "Come on beautiful wake up. It's time to go we have to find that abandoned mental institution." Marilyn said. I stretched while yawning.

"I don't wanna walk." I grumbled. "Well I could carry you if you wAnted." Marilyn said smiling. Marilyn hadn't gotten any sleep and he was as tired as I was if not more. "No it's fine I can walk." I replied standing up. I took a few steps but my legs gave out and I went crashing down onto the sidewalk. Marilyn rushed to me. "Are you ok my love." He asked concerned. "Yea. Fine." I said.

He picked me up easily. And carried me bridal style. "Marilyn if you carry me your gonna wear yourself out." "Its fine" he said. We didnt walk long and quickly came across the abandoned mental insitution. We tryed to get in but the door wouldnt budge.

"dont stress baby." i said. then i hopped out of his arms. he stood there while i walked around the building. i heard a noise behind me. but before i could scream a hand was placed over my mouth. the person never once moved their hand from my mouth as i was drug inside the building through a differnet entrance.

i couldnt tell who it was i couldnt even tell if it was a guy or a girl. which was what was freaking me out. i didnt struggle now. and the person who waz dragging me losened up a bit at this. then i was set on a chair in the middle of a wide room. they remained behind my back as they tied my hands to the chair. i began to panic a little at this and struggled a bit. which only resulted in my hands being tied tighter.

then the person moved out from behind me to stand right in front of me. a sudden leap of joy coursed through my body as i realized it wasnt twiggy. although twiggys kiss had made me wanna see him again. "who are you?" the person asked snapping me back to reality. i focused on them. they were male. ive had a bout enough of those kind right about now between the devil and twiggy, but now this.

he was unhealthy skinny. he almost looked like a walking skeleton. he was tall his hair looked really thin and it waa brownish. his clothes loosly clung unto his body and were torn. his skin was extremely pale with a hint of gray. but yet still he hung his head high. his eyes. they showed knowlegde, expirence, and sorrow. but there was something else in them. something i hadnt seen in a long time...HOPE. I saw hope in his eyes. "STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT," he yelled, "AND ANSWER MY DAMNED QUESTION." i looked at him.

"im nobody." i replied unsure of what to really say. he looked confused but him being confused seemed to anger him. i couldnt take the pressure if everything i had been dealing with and broke out in tears. he once again looked at me as if he was confused. but then he walked over to me and bent down on his knees to look me in the eye. he gently moved the hair from covering my eyes and wiped a tear off my cheek. "dont touch me!" i said i didnt scream it through just raised my voice. i didnt want marilyn to hear and freak out.

the anger fled his eyes and he looked at me with concern. but backed up,"im sorry." he said. and he began walkinv backwards still looking at me and then turned around and took off in a run. "come back, untie me." i screamed after him and my voice cracked as i whined. i began to freak out. tugging on the ropes behind me as hard as i could. but i couldnt get the boy out of my mind. he couldnt die again could he i mean the devil died again but... i dont think you can die from stravation and i dont even think the devil truly died again. i think he just reincarnated.

i continued struggling running out of breath and pausing everyonce in a while. where was marilyn? at this i got a little agrovated and tryed harder to get free. i struggled to much and the chair i was in fell over and i hit my head on the ground. everything went black.


i feel like my charater blacks out to much. but you know its whatever...

and follow me


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