Chapter 4

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Marilyn began kissing my neck gently but we both were to exhausted from running to do anything more. He kissed my neck some more and his long hair fell on me tickling. This went on for a couple more minutes. Then Marilyn laid beside me and played with my hair gently wrapping it around his fingers and running his hands through it. I played with his hair too. But after a while I just zoned out and I guess so did Marilyn. I zoned out lost in thought.

What did and why did twiggy want me? Why didn't he kill Marilyn when he had the chance he knew later on Marilyn would be a threat if he kept him yet he kept him anyway. Fuck. What id give to be back in my normal life with my normal friend. But somehow if I did get back it wouldn't be the same. I would feel empty. Empty like I did when I was pulled away from Marilyn cause of the devil. There was no escaping the empty even now I have it and I think I feel empty because I'm not with twiggy too. I had fallen for twiggy what the fuck.

I zoned back into reality when Marilyn rolled over beside me pulling lightly on the blanket that covered us both. He was asleep already. I leaned over to him and kissed him and laid back maybe this is as good as life gets I need to learn to be satisfied with what I have already. I snuggled into Marilyn's warmth. And he wrapped his arms around me. Snuggling me like a teddy bear. But even with that warmth and love I still felt empty. I feel asleep.

I awoke to knocking on the door and a rumbling stomach. I walked through the cabin and towards the door. I reached for the door handle and was getting ready to turn it but then I realized there was a peek hole and looked out it. There stood the little girl from before holding the box of food. I opened the door and let her in. "they wouldn't let you stay at the institute? " the little girl asked. "yea its because its twiggy that's been changing us and they say he's dangerous. " I replied putting quotation on the last part. "ummm here I noticed you guys forgot this I gotta get home before my parents find out I left. " the little girl said rushing. Was twiggy that dangerous?

She handed me the box and walked away I shut the front door and sat the box on the table. Then I walked back to the room and saw Marilyn was still sleeping. I smiled at him cuddle up in the bed in the blanket. Then I walked toward the bathroom and showered. When I got out Marilyn was still sleeping. So I walked into the kitchen and began preparing breakfast. It was waffles I ate mine and put the others on the counter for Marilyn.

I looked in the box and started putting away the food. Then I found 3 cartons of cigarettes. And a lighter. Score. Why did the little girl even have cigarettes in the box. It and felt like years since I had last smoked. I don't even think Marilyn knows I smoke either. I shoved two of the packs in the fever to keep them fresh and grabbed the lighter and one pack of cigarettes and walked outside. It was early morning and there was a lake near the cabin and a picnic table I sat down at the picnic overlooking the opposite direction of the lake I watched the sunrise as I smoked one of the cigarettes. I smiled realization crossing my mind. If the sun rises in the opposite direction of the lake that means the sun sets over the lake. I made this a mental note to myself. I slipped the lighter and cigarettes into my bra.

I strolled towards the house. And walked in the door. I heard the toilet flush and Marilyn walked out of the bathroom door. "waffles are on the counter. " I said. He grabbed the plate and walked towards me and kissed my forehead and then sat down at the table. "I've been thinking, Marilyn, I know we need to lay low but we need source of income we can't just live on the food the little girl gave us. " I said. Marilyn looked over at me. "I'll see what I could do I dunno how money works here. But I'll figure it out. " Marilyn said. He continued eating. After he finished he stood up. He put the dishes in sink. "I'll be back later. Shut this door and lock it do not open it for anyone. " he said then hugged me and walked out the door. I shut the door behind him and locked it.

I walked over to the sink and looked out the window the lake was just in view. I opened the window. Then I began to wash the dishes. And I began to think why did that Dillon guy not take this cabin for himself I mean it's beautiful. He did say there were others maybe they couldn't fit everyone here and didn't wanna leave anyone behind. Well whatever the reason it can't be good.

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