Chapter 2
The next day...
Riker POV
We had just gotten back from my brother's football game. It was freezing out! I was shivering the whole time. It was supposed to snow later, so I guess that's why it was so cold...
I grabbed my backpack, and threw all my physics stuff inside. I pulled on a sweatshirt, and then a coat, and headed out the door for Kayla's. I put on my helmet, and rode off on my bike into the freezing cold.
When I got to Kayla's, I was shivering again. I knocked on her door, and she answered it a few moments later. She led me up to her room, and then walked out. I just kind of awkwardly sat down, and pulled out my physics stuff. I didn't know where she went...
I took off my coat so I was only in my hoodie, but I was still kind of cold. I'd warm up soon...
A few minutes later, Kayla came back, holding a mug. She handed it to me, and it was hot chocolate.
"Oh, thanks. I love hot chocolate!"
Kayla smiled at me, and sat down across from me on the floor.
"So um... This is probably a weird question, but if you don't talk, how do you communicate with your mom?"
Kayla made some motions with her hands that I recognized as sign language.
"Oh... That makes sense... We learned the alphabet in like first grade, but I don't remember all the letters... I don't even remember how to do my name."
Kayla held up her hand, making a letter.
"Is this R?"
She nodded. She showed me the rest of the letters in my name.
"Cool. Maybe you could teach me more sometime."
Kayla nodded.
"Alright, so physics..."
Riker POV
I felt like an idiot. Kayla had shown me basically how to do everything. I had no clue what I was doing, and if she wasn't helping with the project, I'd fail for sure.
Throughout the project, she'd also taught me how to say a few things in sign language. I'd also leaned the alphabet.
"Ok, so how do I say 'I hate physics' because I do. A lot."
Kayla showed me, and I practiced it.
"Cool. Um... Do you have a bathroom?"
Kayla pointed to a door on one side of her room.
I locked myself in the bathroom and did my business. I washed my hands, and when I came out, Kayla was gone.
I sat down on the floor, looking at all the papers and notes we had. If I could've, I would've worked on it, but I knew anything I did wouldn't be correct.
Kayla came back a few minutes later. She had 2 plates. She spelt out in letters 'dinner' and I nodded.
"I'd love to stay for dinner. Thanks."
She handed me a plate, and I took it.
"Kayla, your mom seriously makes the best chicken nuggets in the whole world."
Kayla smiled. My phone buzzed, so I checked it. It was from my mom.
"You said you were at a friend's, it's getting bad outside, and I was wondering if you were staying there overnight. ~Mom"
I dropped my phone, and went to look out the window.
"Oh my gosh, it really is bad out there. There must be like 5 inches of snow already."
Kayla stood next to me, and signed if I was ok.
"I just... I don't know how I'm going to get home. I can't bike through that."
She spelt out the word 'stay.'
"Stay? For how long?"
She spelt out 'morning.'
"Um... If I'm allowed to... You should probably ask your mom, and I should probably ask mine."
Kayla left, and I asked my mom. She said yes, so if Kayla's mom also said yes, then I was staying. I honestly didn't know which option I preferred. If I go home, I'll have to try to bike 10 minutes home, which will probably be more like 20 because I won't be able to bike through that. And if I stay here, it might be kind of awkward because I barely know Kayla.
Kayla came back.
"What did your mom say?"
Kayla nodded.
"I can stay?"
She nodded again.
"Great! So um... What should we do now?"
Kayla swept all the papers into a pile.
"Are we done with physics for now?" I asked.
Kayla nodded.
"Thank god. That was like torture. I hate physics so much!"
Kayla pulled out a laptop, and opened it. She sat on her bed, and motioned for me to sit next to her. She motioned for me to pick something on Netflix.
"Um... I don't know. What do you want to watch?"
Kayla picked a random movie.
Riker POV
It was weird hanging out with Kayla. The whole not talking thing just made me feel kind of strange. Kayla's really sweet, but it's just weird. She has me wondering what her voice sounds like.
If I'd wanted to talk to her throughout the movie, I'd text her, and she'd text me back. I kept glancing at the window, looking at the snow that was falling.
"Are you ok?" Kayla texted me.
"Yeah... I don't know why I keep looking out there," I said, standing up, and walking towards the window.
Kayla showed up next to me.
"It's pretty, isn't it?" I asked.
Kayla nodded.
"I'm kind of tired... Where am I supposed to sleep?" I asked.
Kayla went to her closet, and got out a bunch of blankets and a pillow. I made myself a bed on the floor next to her bed.
"Alright. I guess I'm going to go to bed now," I said, getting under the blankets.
I felt sort of uncomfortable since I was wearing skinny jeans. But I wasn't about to sleep in my underwear. That'd be weird.
Kayla shut off the light, and then got in bed.
I tried so hard to go to sleep, but I just couldn't. I felt out of place here. I wasn't used to sleeping somewhere else besides home. It's not that I was homesick. I just felt weird.
I tossed and turned a little bit, trying to get comfortable, but I never had much luck sleeping on the floor. It always felt hard on my back.
I ended up on my stomach, and decided to try to fall asleep. And after what felt like forever, I finally did.

FanfictionKayla had an abusive childhood. She was recently put in a foster home in California. She transfers to the nearest school. Riker Lynch has every single class with her. He's intrigued by her, and gets assigned as her partner for a physics project. And...