Chapter 2

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Tori woke up to find Jade still lying against her, still playing Pokémon HeartGold on her DS. "I got you a pair of clothes that should fit you, including underwear." Jade said, not moving or looking up. "They're on the table."

"Thanks." Tori said gratefully. When Jade didn't move though, she frowned. "Uh, Jade? Do you think you could move?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure." Jade stood up, still not looking away from her DS, and headed for the stairs.

"Really Jade? Is that DS really so important that you can't even check to see if I'm okay?" Tori demanded, standing up and walking to the new clothes, her old ones having been ruined by the transformation.

"I already checked when you turned back into a human Vega, you're fine. No broken bones, no patches of fur, no tail, nothing." Jade said with a laugh, pocketing the DS. "However, I did take some pictures of you, as well as a video of me motorboating you, want to see?" Tori stared at her in horror.

"You did what?" She yelled, both embarrassed and angry. Jade laughed again.

"Relax Tori, I'm just joking. I'm not stupid enough to needlessly piss off an Alpha who also happens to be the daughter of a police officer." Tori frowned, and then nodded and started to get dressed. That made sense, all things considered. "I did do something to you while you slept though." Jade said with a smirk, turning around and walking upstairs. Tori stopped what she was doing, despite the fact that half her body was already in the shirt.

"Excuse me? What did you do?" Tori demanded, glaring at Jade's back through the neck hole in the shirt.

"You'll see." Jade called over her shoulder, walking out the door. Tori frowned nervously, then finished getting dressed. On the one hand, Jade's teasing made her really nervous. On the other hand, Jade had already pointed out that, whatever she'd done, it wouldn't be something too terrible. Besides, she was starting to get cold.

"Good, you're dressed." Jade said when Tori came upstairs. Tori looked around in confusion.

"Where are you?" She asked, frowning. Jade laughed.

"Up here." She said. Tori looked up and felt her jaw drop. Jade was lying on the ceiling, arms behind her head, just as comfortably as if she was on a bed. "Vampire magic." Jade explained, answering Tori's unspoken question. "Now close your mouth, you'll catch flies." Tori snapped her mouth shut, and Jade chuckled. "Are you hungry?" She asked. Tori was surprised to hear a note of actual concern in Jade's voice, suggesting that she actually cared if Tori was hungry.

"A little." Tori admitted. Jade pointed down at the refrigerator.

"I may have some yogurt in there, though I'd check the expiration date before opening any of it. And I think I have some pop tarts in there." She finished, pointing at the cabinet next to the fridge.

"You think?" Tori asked, raising an eyebrow and walking over to the fridge.

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