Chapter 17

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Jade walked over to Angela, who was sitting on a bench sharpening her ax. "So, had did it happen?" She asked, sitting down.

"How did what happen?" Angela asked, looking up from her ax and brushing the hair out of her face.

"You know what." Jade said simply. "You and Joan."

"I used my evil 'spawn of Hell' to seduce her." Angela said sarcastically. Jade rolled her eyes.

"I'm not going to judge you." She said. "I'm a vampire; I've been killing people since long before you were born." Angela nodded, acknowledging the point.

"She actually came to me." She told Jade. "I spend a lot of time among the Autumn Court, and on Valentine's Day this year, Joan came up to me and kissed me."

"And you didn't try and attack her?" Jade asked, surprised.

"I didn't say that." Angela admitted. "I judo threw her over the table and ran. She spent the next month apologizing, and the month after that flirting."

"And then you gave in?"

"I prefer to think of it as her winning me over, but sure." Angela said. Before either of them could say anything else, Joan walked up. She bent down and gave Angela a quick peck on the cheek, then turned to face Jade.

"King Samhain is ready to open the portal. We are about to start the battle." She told Jade, who nodded and stood up.

"I'll see you guys soon." She said, walking off.

"Don't you want directions on where King Samhain is?" Joan asked, stopping her. Jade tapped her nose, grinning.

"Vampire, remember?" She said. "I can smell him."

Five minutes later

Jack stuck his head through the portal and looked around cautiously. "The way is clear." He reported upon pulling his head back out. Merlin followed him in, but King Samhain stopped Jade.

"Try not to wreck my new castle too much." He told her. Jade glared at him and flipped him off as she stepped through the portal.

"So what's the plan?" Jade asked, looking at the others. They were in a large room, with three corridor's branching off in different directions.

"We split up." Merlin said, looking around. "That way we can make sure we clear every room."

"Makes sense." Jack said, nodding.

"I call the path straight ahead." Jade told them, walking forward without waiting for the others to object. She hadn't gotten very far before two men, both dressed in body armor, burst out of side door, machine guns raised. Jade raised an eyebrow. "What are those supposed to do?" She asked, smirking.

"The bullets have been blessed by a priest." One of the men said, grinning triumphantly. Jade widened her eyes in mock terror.

"Oh no, blessed bullets. Whatever shall I do?" She asked dryly. "Nobody in the last 700 years has ever thought of having some priest bless their bullets." The men scowled and opened fire. Jade jumped up on the ceiling and ran at the men, dodging the bullets, then launched herself down at the men, tackling one of them and ripping his throat out with her teeth. The other man whirled around and opened fire, but Jade threw herself to the side and shoved her claws into his eyes, killing him. "That's what happens when you thugs get uppity." She said, walking away.

At the same time

Jack stared up at the massive suit of armor. It was at least fifteen feet tall, made out of black iron and wielding an equally massive mace. It swung the mace down at him, and he stepped to the side, then slashed out with his sword, cutting the mace head off. The suit of armor raised the now somewhat useless stick, staring at in in confusion. Jack grinned and jumped up, slashing the suit in half vertically. It fell apart, landing on the ground and revealing thirty White Court Soldiers with their guns pointed at him. Jack ran at them, slicing the bullets they fired in half with his sword as he charged.

At the same time

Merlin slammed his staff down on the ground, turning the soldiers' guns into snakes. He raised an eyebrow as they drew their swords and ran at him. He slammed his staff again, but the swords remained the unchanged. Merlin scowled and threw a fireball at one of the oncoming soldiers. The swords must have been blessed. He whirled his staff in the air in a circle blasting the soldiers in every direction. A moment later, ten armor golems came into the room, maces at the ready. "I'm too old for this." Merlin muttered, readying himself.

Ten minutes later

Jade threw two swords at the soldiers standing guard at a set of large oak doors, killing them both. She kicked the doors open walking into the room. Thirteen middle aged men and women bolted to their feet, turning away from a magical hologram that displayed the ongoing battle. Jade was glad to see that it did not seem to be going well for the White Court.

"You're the vampire that's been attacking our soldiers and golems." One of the men said, drawing his sword.

"No duh." Jade said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"You are one beast." A woman said. "No matter how strong you are, what chance do you think you stand against the thirteen of us? We are the leaders of the White Court, the protectors of humanity. We have killed your kind for generations in the defense of our fellow human beings. What chance do you have?"

"You people clearly have no idea who I am." Jade growled. "I am Jade West. I was turned by Dracula himself. I have fought in every war since the 1390 that you have ever heard of, and hundreds more that you have not. I have fought gods, loved goddesses, and destroyed nations so thoroughly that most people don't even know they existed. Dragons fear me, giants tremble at the mention of my name, and I once made Queen Titania my willing slave. The real question is, what chance do you have against me?"

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