Chapter 6

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"C'mon Jade, just turn around." Tori pleaded. Jade had been staring resolutely at the wall, her back to Tori, for a whole hour since Rosie had left them in the bed, not saying a word.

"No." Jade growled.

"C'mon, you can't just lie there in silence the whole time!" Tori protested, putting a hand on Jade's shoulder and shaking her.

"Watch me." Jade growled.

"Look, we don't have to talk. Let's just practice the song we're singing for the Christmas show." Tori suggested. Sikowitz had assigned them to each sing an original Christmas song for a small Christmas show that the school would be putting on for the other students and their families. Jade sighed.

"Fine. I'll go first." Tori smiled. Jade could be scary sometimes, but even she wouldn't do something scary with Christmas.

"Okay. What's your song called?"

"It's a new version of Silent Night." Jade said. If Tori had been able to see the smirk on Jade's face, she would have been much more nervous about what was about to happen. Jade took a deep breath, and began to sing.

Silent night, deadly night

Nothing's calm, nothing's bright

Here comes evil mother and child

Say goodbye to mother and child

Silent night, deathly light

Nothing's calm, all becomes bright

Evil things are coming for me

In the shadows I cannot hide

Creep as quietly as quiet can be

Deep in darkness there

Sleep in the darkest place

"What do you think?" Jade asked, smiling and rolling over to face Tori. Tori stared at her in horror.

"What was that?" She whimpered.

"My version of Silent Night." Jade said. "What do you think?"

"There'll be children at this show!" Tori yelled, horrified. "I know that Sikowitz said we could sing anything we wanted, but that's too far!"

"Oh, wait until you hear it with the music playing." Jade said, her grin growing wider.

"No! You are not singing that song! I will write you a new one, one that isn't horrifying." Tori said, hitting Jade on the shoulder. Jade just chuckled as Tori winced.

"You haven't even come up with your own song yet, how are you going to make one for me? I mean, let's face it Vega, you're not exactly the best when it comes to writing new lyri..." Tori took advantage of her distraction and gave Jade a quick kiss on the lips. To her shock, Jade quickly put a hand on the back of her head and kissed her back, gently slipping her tongue inside Tori's mouth. When they finally broke apart, Tori blinked. Somehow, without her noticing, they'd rolled over in the bed so that Jade was lying on top of Tori. "Huh. So scary music makes you kiss me." Jade said with a smirk, looking down at Tori. "Good to know."

"You kissed me." Tori said, sounding bewildered. Jade rolled her eyes.

"That's right Vega. Glad to see that you know what a kiss is."

"Youkissed me." Tori repeated, still trying to wrap her brain around what had just happened.

"Yes." Jade said, nodding her head.

"You kissed..."

"Oh for the love of hell." Jade sighed, slipping a hand under Tori's head and pulling the brunette into another kiss. "There, you done?" She asked when they pulled apart.

"You kissed..." Jade let out a low growl, and Tori laughed. "I'm joking, I'm joking!" She said quickly.

"Good." Jade said, rolling off of Tori and flipping her on her side so they were spooning.

"So what now?" Tori asked a moment later.

"What do you mean?" Jade asked, frowning.

"Well, do we act like we're together in front of the others?" Jade shrugged.

"I don't see why not." She said. "It's not like we're dating someone else or anything."

"Okay then, what do you want to do for our first date?"

"Get back at Rosie for casting this spell." Jade said with a grin. Tori frowned and rolled around to face Jade.


"Why not?" Jade demanded.

"Because if you're mad at her, then it's like you're mad that we kissed." Tori told her. "Now pick something else." Jade sighed.

"Fine. Let's go see Expendables 3." Tori raised an eyebrow.

"Really? That's what you want to do for our first date? Go watch an action movie?"

"It's the female version!" Jade said defensively. "Name another movie where you'll be able to see Michelle Rodriguez, Sigourney Weaver, Keira Knightley, Cynthia Rothrock, and Milla Jovovich all kicking ass in the same movie." Tori frowned, and then sighed, beaten by Jade's obvious enthusiasm.

"Fine. But I'm planning our next date, and I want a romantic dinner out of this."

"Deal." Jade said, kissing Tori on the forehead and pulling her closer.

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