Chapter 3

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Jade was sitting on the couch watching Domino when Tori came downstairs from her shower. "Jade, where's the key for this collar?" Tori demanded, folding her arms and glaring at Jade.

"Key?" Jade asked, pausing the movie and frowning. "What are you talking about?"

"Well, I couldn't get off, so I assume there's some kind of key." Tori said, not moving.

"There's no key." Jade told her with a laugh. "That'd make it way too easy for someone to take it off of you. No, it detaches with a spell."

"Well then use the spell!" Tori growled.

"I can't." Jade admitted, shrugging helplessly.

"What do you mean you can't?" Tori demanded.

"Vampires don't do magic. Literally, we can't do magic." Jade explained, sounding somewhat apologetic.

"But you put it on me!" Tori yelled, confused.

"It was enchanted so that it would lock itself when you brought the two ends together around the neck of something alive." Jade told her. "Relax, tomorrow's Saturday, I'll take you to the shop and we'll get someone there to remove it." Tori's eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh, today's Friday!" She yelled. "I completely forgot, we're going to be late!"

"No we're no, I called in sick for both of us." Jade said calmly.

"Jade, you can't just do that, people can tell that you're not my mom." Tori reminded her. Jade grinned.

"No they can't Vega." She said in a perfect imitation of Tori's mom. Tori's jaw dropped.

" did you do that?" She asked. She'd heard Jade do imitations before, but this was spot on, flawless.

"Vampire." Jade reminded her, letting her fangs slip out. "You have no idea how annoying it is to have to constantly add little flaws to my imitations. It's nice to finally not have to worry about pretending to be human." Suddenly she frowned, sniffing the air. "Do you smell chicken soup?" She asked Tori. Tori sniffed the air.

"Yeah...and rice?" She said, confused. "What's going on, do you have a roommate?" Jade sighed and stood up.

"Not usually, no. But I think I know who's using my kitchen. C'mon." She led the way into the kitchen, were a tall young woman in a red dress, with a black feather boa around her neck and a massive strawhat on her head was standing at the stove.

"You know Rosie, it's polite to ask before you use someone's stove." Jade said, rolling her eyes. "At the very least you could have let me know you were here."

"I figured you wouldn't mind darling." Rosie said, not turning around. "It's not like you really use this kitchen for its intended purpose anyway. I thought I'd help validate it a little."

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