Chapter 20

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"Hey you guys! C'mon, there's going to be a victory party at Vader's!" Lori called out, walking out of a portal and into Jade's kitchen.

"Jade and Tori have already been celebrating the whole week." Rosie told her. "They've been celebrating in the bedroom, in the shower, on the couch, in the indoor swimming pool, and I even think I heard Tori screaming from the kitchen once."

"Don't worry, I cleaned the table afterwards." Jade told her, smirking as Tori blushed.

"It doesn't matter! My point is that I'm living here too! I get that you love each other, and I know that we really don't have anything to do right now, since we don't have to work, but there are things you could do besides have sex."

"You once had five guys at once on my bed, while I was home." Jade told her. "We at least shut the door before we do anything." Rosie glared at her and threw an orange at her head, which she caught with a laugh.

"Aw man, you should have called me over!" Lori moaned, giving Rosie a mock glare.

"You wouldn't have stopped them; you'd have tried to join in." Rosie growled.

"I know!"

"Tori would have kicked you out of the house the first time you tried." Jade told her. "If you tried it again, she'd probably attack you in her wolf form."

"I would." Tori admitted, nodding. Lori frowned.

"C'mon Tori, why you gotta be that way?" She asked, saddened by this information.

"I'm dating Jade!" Tori yelled, exasperated.

"What's your point?" Lori asked, cocking her head to the side, confused. Tori stared at her, and then turned to glare at Jade.

"She's your friend, explain it to her." She said, giving up. Jade opened her mouth, and then closed it, frowning thoughtfully.

"It's cheating. If you're in a relationship, you should only 'do it' with that person." She said finally. Tori folded her arms and raised an eyebrow, annoyed. "What? I explained why I won't have a threesome with you and Lori!"

"It took you a minute to come up with that explanation." Tori told her, frowning. "I'm just trying to figure out how to punish you for that. You don't sleep, so I can't exactly make you sleep on the couch. The collar won't let me tie you up, so that's out."

"You could just acknowledge that I have different values than you and that I'm working on it." Jade suggested.

"Look, you can have your little spat later." Rosie told them. "There's a party at Darth Vader's coffee shop in New Orleans. I'm going. Tori, you know you can't resist that much awesome. Jade, Vader has coffee flavored blood on the magic menu. You love that stuff. Let's go." Jade shrugged and got off the island and walked towards the portal, grabbing Tori by the hand and leading her into it.

"This is..." Tori said slowly, looking around the coffee shop.

"Different than what you expected?" Jade suggested, grinning. Tori nodded, silently. "Yeah, he gets that a lot." When Tori had pictured Darth Vader's coffee shop, she'd pictured a dark lounge, with lots of black and red. She had not expected a very clean, very bright building with comfortable chairs and booths. In short, it looked like a very nice, privately owned Starbucks. "Vader loves the irony. People never know how to react when they walk in here and find Darth Vader serving coffee in such a warm looking place, and he thinks it's hilarious." Jade continued. She looked at Tori's surprised face, and her smile widened. "He's right, this is hilarious." Tori glared at her, but before she could retort, other portals opened, and the others from the battle with the White Court stepped into the store.

"Let's get this party started!" Brenda yelled excitedly, prompting a cheer from most of the others, though Logan and Jack remained quiet. Unsurprisingly, Jason hadn't shown up. Vader looked at the group, then shook his head and waved his hand, lowering the blinds, locking the door, and turning the sign to say closed. Now that they'd made sure that they wouldn't be interrupted by the vanilla mortals, things could get started.

Five hours later

"That was fun." Tori said with a slurred voice as Jade lead her through the portal back to her Chicago house. Rosie hadn't come with them though, instead deciding to spend the night at Jade's New Orleans house and then going back to New Salem to help Laura-Beth take care of things.

"Why on earth would you drink something that Brenda gave you? She has dreads now! You never drink anything a white chick with dreadlocks gives you!" Jade told her, setting the other girl down on the couch. "For the love of hell, she looks like Shaundi did in Saints Row 2! Why would accept something from her own private flask?"

"It tasted good." Tori said in a dreamy voice, staring up at the ceiling.

"Lori and Logan both told you not to drink it! When Tank Girl and Wolverine tell you not to take something alcoholic, you should probably listen!"

"I love you." Tori said, sitting up and kissing Jade on the lips before falling back on the couch, exhausted. Jade stared down at her, then sighed and gently picked her up, carrying her to the master bedroom. Jade set Tori down on the bed, pulling off her shoes, then kicked off her own shoes and climbed into bed, pulling the blankets over Tori.

"I love you too babe." She whispered, kissing Tori on the cheek.

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