Chapter 13

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Tori climbed out of the RV and frowned. "Jade, there's a girl with a tank here to see you!"

"Lori! What have I told you about parking your tank on my lawn?" Jade demanded. Tori frowned and turned around. To her surprise, Jade had her back turned towards the door the windows, and was rummaging through a drawer, looking for her Chicago house keys.

"How did you know who it was?" She asked. "You're not even looking. For all you know you yelled at the wrong person." Jade turned around, keys in hand, and raised an eyebrow.

"How many girls with tanks do you think live in Chicago Vega?" She asked. "Because it's actually not that common."

"Jade, you own a RV that's a couple thousand times bigger on the inside then it is on the outside. I have a collar that regular people can't see. For all I know, half the people in Chicago are driving tanks."

"Nah, that's Jerusalem." The girl said, sticking her head inside the RV. "Here in Chicago, everyone drives magical limos."

"Except you." Tori said, looking at the girl. She was about as tall as Jade was, with short blond hair that had been shaved off in random places.

"Actually, all the vanilla mortals see my tank as a limo." She told Tori, sticking out her hand. "The name's Lori by the way."

"I'm Tori." Tori said, shaking Lori's hand.

"Lori, why are you parked on my lawn?" Jade demanded, grabbing four pairs of suitcases, two in each hand, and walking out of the RV.

"Only one tread is on the grass!" Lori protested. "Besides, you've got housekeeping fairies, I'm sure they can fix it." Jade sighed and set the suitcases down on the doorstep and unlocked the door.

"Why are you here?" She asked, turning around to stare at Lori. The blond girl shrugged.

"I heard you were coming back to Chicago and I figured I'd hang around. Things are always interesting around you after all."

"Do you know any guys with magic?" Tori asked Jade, raising an eyebrow. "Seriously, I don't think I've heard you mention knowing a single guy." Jade frowned.

"Well, I know Peter Pan, but I'm not sure that 'he' counts." She told Tori, turning around and walking back into the house.

"What do you mean?" Tori asked, frowning as she followed Jade into the house.

"Peter's an Imag." Lori told her. "A being brought to life by massive amounts of human imagination."

"The problem with that is that up until Disney came around with their animated movie, everyone always had a girl play Peter Pan, so everyone always pictured Peter as a girl, at least subconsciously." Jade said, walking up the stairs. "The result is that Peter has the mind and memories of the character of a book, but the body of a girl."

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