Chapter 4

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Jade parked in front of her house and stepped out of the car, only to find a large, heavy set man standing in front of her. Jade glanced to either side and saw that six other men were with him, all built along the same lines. "Hello Mark." Jade said stiffly. "What can I do for you?" She hated being polite, but Mark was a centuries old Alpha. As werewolves grew older they gained more control over their transformations. The oldest of them, like Mark, could transform at any time without the full moon, even in full daylight. She wouldn't let this stop her normally, but she was weakened by the daylight even if it didn't burn her like a newborn.

"You have a werewolf in your house." Mark growled. "An Alpha."

"Yeah. So what?"

"She was turned by members of my pack. So that means that you're holding a member of my pack prisoner."

"She isn't my prisoner." Jade growled, glaring up at him. Mark was three inches taller than her, and she hated it.

"Then why is she in your house?" Mark demanded, taking a step forward.

"She's my friend." Jade told him, not moving a muscle. "I'm showing her the ropes of this new world." When Mark growled at this information, Jade rolled her eyes. "Keep your skin on. Besides, why do you want her? You're the Alpha."

"My bloodline must continue." Mark told her. "Only another Alpha can do that." Jade's eyes widened.

"You want her to be your mate?" She growled, her eyes narrowing. Mark shrugged.

"Of course." Jade lashed out and punched him, knocking him on his butt. The other werewolves growled and stepped forward, and Jade laughed.

"Oh don't try that." She said. "You're all stuck in human form, and we both know you can't even scratch me like that."

"I can do a lot more than scratch you." Mark said, standing up.

"Old age has made you arrogant mutt." Jade said, letting her fangs slip out. "But if you really want to go, I've got a basement designed to trap things much stronger than you. We can have a go if you want." Mark hesitated. Homes were sacred places, and any magical intruder with hostile intent would suffer a major loss of power even if they were allowed in by the owner. If the owner of the house was a vanilla mortal, that didn't hurt the magical being much. But for a fight against a vampire, especially one as strong as Jade, it was too big of a risk.

"The groves, 10 o'clock tonight." Mark growled.

"I'm not fighting over Tori." Jade growled right back. "She's not a slave."

"This is a fight over the insult you just dealt me." Mark told her. "There was no call for that attack."

"You just said you wanted my friend to join your pack just so you could knock her up. That earned you the punch." Jade growled. Mark stared at her for a moment, and then started laughing.

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