Chapter 5

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When Jade got home from her fight with Mark, she immediately headed for the basement. She stopped, frowned, and went back upstairs. "Rosie, where's Tori?" Jade demanded. Rosie looked up from her book.

"Upstairs in your bed." She reported, turning back to the book.

"What?" Jade yelled. "Why?" Rosie sighed and set aside the book.

"She stayed up all night waiting for you to get back." She said. "When she turned back to her human form though, she was exhausted, so I had her change and go to sleep. And I wasn't going to make her sleep on your basement floor, so I sent her upstairs to sleep in your bedroom. If you didn't want her to go to sleep before you got here, you should have come home sooner."

"I had to feed again." Jade growled. "I was running on half after my fight with Mark." Shapeshifting made vampires hungry, just like it did with werewolves. In fact, it made Jade hungrier, since her forms were either smaller (bat) or intangible (mist), rather than larger like an Alpha.

"Why?" Rosie asked, raising an eyebrow. "You shouldn't have had to shapeshift to beat a werewolf three hundred years your junior, even if he is an Alpha."

"I don't know, I just felt the need to make it explicitly clear that you don't mess with Tori, that she's staying with me and not anyone else." Rosie grinned.

"Aw, Jade, how cute! You have a crush on Tori." She said happily.

"I do not!" Jade snapped. "First Mark, and now you! Why does everyone insist that I have a crush on her?"

"Because you're showing all the signs." Rosie said, rolling her eyes. "You could have let her go with Mark, he'd have protected her and taken her into his pack. Instead you guarded her and beat the crap out of an Alpha just to make it clear that she's yours. It's like you and Beck, but times 100." Jade growled.

"I'm going upstairs." She said, turning around. Fortunately for her, vampires really didn't sweat, and she'd already washed off the blood, so she didn't need to bathe. Unfortunately, Rosie knew that she didn't sweat and could see the lack of blood.

"Say goodnight to Tori for me." She said, picking up her book again. Jade just growled in response as she climbed the stairs, largely out of annoyance that Rosie was able to read her so easily. She walked into the bedroom and paused in the doorway, staring at Tori's sleeping form nervously. She had to admit, climbing into bed with Tori was far creepier than she wanted to be. Suddenly, Tori let out a whimper, twitching from a nightmare. She started to cry and that settled it. Jade tore her boots off and quickly slipped under the covers, pulling Tori into a close embrace and stroking the brunette's hair.

"Shh, it's okay." Jade whispered in her ear. "I'm here, I won't let anything happen to you." Tori slowly relaxed, pressing herself against Jade. Jade smiled, then sighed. "I hate you Vega." She muttered. "You're making me soft."

Nine hours later

Jade raised an eyebrow as Tori shifted in her arms. "I don't sleep you know." She said. "You can get out of bed." Tori rolled around to face her, smiling.

"I know, but this feels way too comfortable for me to want to get out of bed." She said. Jade frowned.

"Really? I was under the impression that this bed is pretty hard, and your mattress feels like a marshmallow."

"How do you know what my mattress feels like?" Tori asked, raising an eyebrow. Jade shrugged.

"I checked out your room when we were going to watch The Wood." She told her. "I wasn't going to just ignore your bed. Seriously though, this can't be comfortable for you, my bed is barely softer than the basement floor."

"I wasn't talking about the bed being comfortable." Tori said with a smile, reaching up and putting a hand on Jade's cheek. "I was talking about lying in your arms." Jade's eyes widened, and she opened her mouth, only to close it again, and Tori laughed. "Jade West, speechless? Somebody get a video camera to record this."

"Already on it." Rosie said from the doorway, making Tori and Jade jump. They both turned to glare at her, and Rosie smiled. "By the way, you should shut the doors. Otherwise, one of these nights Tori's mom'll walk in on you." Tori's eyes widened and she sat up.

"Oh, crap, I forgot! My mom said I needed to be home by midnight yesterday!" She said.

"Relax; I already took care of it." Rosie said, flicking her fingers and casting a spell that pushed Tori back down. "I cast a spell on your family. They won't expect you home for the rest of the week."

"You did what?" Tori yelled.

"Relax Vega, they'll be fine." Jade said calmly. "Rosie's been doing this for almost two hundred years, she knows what she's doing." Witches and Wizards were different than other magical beings. They started out with all their magic, but it took time to learn to control it, and they stopped aging once they did. That was how you could tell how much control a Wizard or Witch had-how young they looked.

"Fine." Tori said with a sigh. "But if there are any side effects, I'm coming after you one night."

"And I'll help her." Jade said. When Tori and Rosie both gave her a surprised look, she shrugged. "What? Sloppy spell casting is bad news, the Hunters'll use it as an excuse to attack again." She said, trying to get out of bed. "Rosie?" She growled. "Why can't I get out of bed?" Rosie smiled.

"I cast a spell. Watching you two walk around awkwardly dealing with your crushes was funny at first, but now it's become boring, so you two can't leave that bed until you kiss and mean it, and set up a date." She turned around and left the room, shutting the door behind her and leaving Tori and Jade to stare after her in disbelief.

"She's serious, isn't she?" Tori asked. Jade sighed and rolled to face away from her.

"Yes. Yes she is." She muttered, glaring at the wall.

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