Chapter 9

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Jade removed her face from Tori's hair and looked around the room, sniffing the air. She frowned and gently got out of bed, opening the door quietly and heading downstairs. "You know, I'm starting to question why I have a phone at all. Nobody bothers to call before coming over." Jade said, walking into the kitchen where Rosie was cooking breakfast while another woman sat at the table and smoked a joint.

"Sorry Jade, but this couldn't wait." The woman said, standing up and turning to face Jade.

"Brenda, what have I have I told you about smoking in my house?" Jade demanded, folding her arms and glaring at Brenda, who sighed and put the joint out in her hand.

"Look, I came to tell you about the Hunters." She said, pocketing the joint. Jade sighed and dropped down into a chair.

"What? Is some big shot Hunter coming into Los Angeles?" She asked.

"They all are." Brenda growled, sitting down across from her. Rosie turned around from the stove and she and Jade stared at Brenda.

"What do you mean, they all are?" Rosie asked, snapping her fingers to turn off the stove.

"I mean, practically every Hunter in the United States is coming to Los Angeles." Brenda growled. "They finally organized themselves and formed a so called 'White Court'. They're going to come to Los Angeles and wipe out everything that isn't a Fey or an Elder God. Then they're going to 'clean up' the rest of the West Coast and work their way east from there." Jade and Rosie just stared, shocked. The Hunters had never organized before, preferring to work alone or in small groups.

"Every Hunter?" Jade asked slowly, frowning.

"Well, no." Brenda admitted. "The order of Van Helsing and some of the more moderate Hunters have refused to join in this White Council. The leaders of the White Council have declared them the 'Black Council' in response."

"How do you know all this?" Rosie asked, confused.

"The White Council has already started to try and recruit us Immortals for the upcoming war." Brenda told her. "I know Custer has already signed up with them, and Napoleon is considering it."

"I assume they've already asked you?" Jade said, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course." Brenda said, shrugging. "I told them no of course. So they haven't told me when they're going to start their war."

"Well, thanks for the warning." Jade said, frowning thoughtfully. Brenda nodded and stood up.

"I've got to go alert as many people as possible." She said, pulling out her joint and walking out the back door. Rosie and Jade sat there in silence for a minute, not looking at each other.

"I've got to go tell the rest of the coven." Rosie said finally. Jade nodded silently, still thinking. Rosie patted her on the shoulder and walked out of the back door. Jade stood up and headed back upstairs. Tori had chosen the worst possible time to be turned into a werewolf. The worst part was that she knew that Tori wouldn't want to leave Los Angeles. She supposed that she could hypnotize Tori into leaving, put she knew that that wouldn't end well. Jade sighed and slipped back into bed. Hunters were notorious for being argumentative and not working together terribly well, so she knew that they had a few days before the war started at the very least.

Two hours later

"Jade, what's wrong?" Tori asked, looking at Jade in concern. Jade sighed.

"You know the Hunters I've mentioned occasionally?" She asked Tori. Tori nodded slowly. "They've organized themselves and they're planning to start a war with everything that can be killed in Los Angeles."

"Well, how many Hunters are coming?"

"All of them. Even if we discount the ones who are smart enough not to think that we're all evil, then you've still got somewhere close to fifty thousand trained killers pouring into Los Angeles."

"Maybe we should leave." Tori said slowly. Jade stared at her, taken aback.

"Excuse me?" Jade asked, surprised.

"Maybe we should get out of here before the war starts." Tori said. "We could get Rosie to cast a spell to make people forget about us, and we could leave. We could go anywhere you want." Jade's eyes widened.

"You'd do that?" She asked. Tori smiled and placed a hand on top of Jade's.

"Of course." She said. "I don't want either of us to die, and I know that I can't fight well. We can come back when the war's over." Jade smiled. "Why are you so surprised?" Tori asked, cocking her head to the side. Jade leaned forward and kissed Tori on the top of the head.

"Let's face it Vega, you don't usually make smart choices." She said.

"Excuse me? I'm not an idiot!" Tori said, leaning back and glaring at Jade.

"I never said that you were." Jade said, rolling her eyes and pulling Tori close. "I'm just saying that you don't always make the most intelligent decisions."

"Name one time I've done something unintelligent." Tori said, trying and failing to push away from Jade.

"Well, there was that one time you took Sikowitz to a play that made his life seem like a failed mess and then kept making convoluted plans to cheer him up without bothering to get your facts straight." Jade reminded her. Tori opened her mouth, closed it, and frowned.

"Name another time." She said, pouting. Jade just laughed and pulled her closer, then started to sing, running a hand through Tori's hair.

So smile, and pack your bags real good baby,

Because you'll be gone for a while.

Girl, tell me how you feel, what's your fantasy?

Oh I see us on a beach down in Mexico.

You can put your feet up, be my senarita

We ain't gotta rush just take it slow.

You'll be in the high life, soaking up the sunlight,

Anything you want it's yours.

I'll be having you live life like you should.

You'll say you never had it so good.

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