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The Crown Prince of Olympia stood at the balcony in his father's office. Next to him stood the Lady Reyna. She had once had feelings for Prince Jason and he may have had them for her but that had changed since his trip to Corinth where he had met the Princess Piper. She was the most beautiful princess he had ever laid eyes on. Ever since the Lady Reyna had found out about this she had completely ignored him.

  The Lady Reyna was a princess under the care of King Zeus. She was the princess of Romania, an island kingdom. It had once been connected to the rest of Greece with a bridge.

  One terrible day seven-year-old Princess Reyna was in the Olympian palace playing with six-year-old Jason and eleven-year-old Thalia. Reyna's sister, Princess Hylla was eleven and on Romania. The King and Queen of Romania were on the bridge travelling to Olympia when there was an attack. One of Sparta's armies had gone mad chasing one of its prisoner and attacked the bridge, burning it with everyone on it down to dust. King Ares paid for it dearly.

  Reyna has stayed in Olympia until then because any ship the Romanians spot would be shot down.  Nobody who traveled to Romania came back alive. Hylla was immediately coronated as Queen even at age eleven. She's been ruling Romania since and they have stayed on that island in complete isolation.

  Someone cleared their throat behind the them. Jason and Reyna turned in unison and bowed respectfully at the king.

  "Rise." Zeus' voice rumbled.

  Jason looked up. The king was wearing his toga, the plum colored sash draped on his shoulders and the golden crown on his head showcasing his status. He gestured them to sit. Jason subconsciously reached up and straightened his crown. He loved wearing his crown. It made him feel powerful. He couldn't wait until he could sit in the kings throne too.

  "I've called you two here to discuss something very important. Marriage."

  Reyna inhaled sharply. Jason held his breath. "The two of you are to be married. We will announce it at the ball that is to be held here in Olympia on August 21."

  Jason felt a mixture of emotions. He didn't  mind marrying Reyna except the fact that he was already in love with Piper. And Reyna hated him.

  "Father-" he began but Reyna cut him off.


Zeus narrowed his eyes. "No? I'm sorry Reyna but it isn't a choice. You must do what is good for your kingdom."

  "It isn't my kingdom. I belong in Romania and that is where I will go. I have had enough of you and your son treating others as if they were less than you. You're the king of Olympia, not some god. I will take a boat and travel to Romania, alone. When I return to Olympia it will no longer be my home. It will merely be another kingdom in Greece. I will go to Romania and rule by my sister's side. I will build a bridge once more in between the two kingdoms but nothing more." She looked at the king intently as if he were just a commoner. "I will leave at dawn tomorrow and you will not stop me. I wish we can make an alliance another way."

  She stood up. King Zeus stood as well as if he was going to stop her but in one swift moment Reyna tore off the purple sash on her dress. She let the simple golden tiara slip off her head and onto the table. "Goodbye my lord." She bowed and left, her river of black hair swaying behind her.

  Zeus stood completely still, his mouth hanging slightly open, as if he could not believe what the Lady Reyna had just done.


hey, so thank you guys so much for reading. i usually don't like posting fanfiction on wattpad but ever since i cleaned my account, it's looked a bit empty. please comment what you think and vote if you liked it.

thanks, am

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