l i g h t n i n g

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The Crown Princess of Delos, crouched down on the balcony of her former home. The Olympian palace was more regal than it had been when she'd left ten years ago. There was a reason she was back. She had a message to deliver.
  She'd stayed hidden in the shadows for five years until she came upon Delos the day of the bombing that had killed Princess Bianca di Angelo and Crown Princess Zoë Nightshade. Queen Artemis saw many qualities in her little sister offered her the crown. She would become queen once Artemis passed.
  Delos was her favorite of all the Kingdoms. It was an island kingdom much like Romania and Sicily.
  Delos had been given to Thalia's older twin siblings Apollo and Artemis by their late mother. Artemis, being strictly feminist, had kicked her brother of the island, taking it for herself. She established a kingdom with only women. On Delos there were no brother or sons, married mothers or fathers. Just single women. The girls of this kingdom came to be known as the Hunters with their knives and bows and arrows.
  King Zeus took pity on his son and had given him an extension of Olympia for his own kingdom.
  She peeked inside the great hall of the palace which was where court was usually held. Court was in session at the moment. Perfect.
  In one quick motion, she shot an arrow through the open glass window. Courtiers panicked and ducked under their chairs.
  The arrow landed above King Zeus' head.
  Thalia jumped through the window and collapsed into a crouch in the center of the room.
  There were four thrones. Two big ones in the center engraved with the Olympian insignia, a crown. King sat in one and Queen Hera to his right. The other two thrones were on either side and a bit smaller. One was empty. In the other sat Jason.
  Thalia inhaled sharply. Jason. She hadn't seen her little brother in ten years. She hadn't seen anyone for the matter but Jason was the one of the only people she cared about.
  Zeus looked around, trying to comprehend what had just happened. Then he stood. "Thalia, my daughter." He reached towards her but Thalia knocked an arrow and pointed it at his chest.
  "I'm not daughter of yours," she said through clenched teeth. "You lost that when you publically disowned me ten years ago."
  "And I've regretted that every single day." His voice was unnaturally soft but his eyes were hard. He was lying. He regretted nothing.
  "Well I'm sorry about that, Your Majesty, but I didn't come for reunions." She kept her gaze on the king while mentally taking in her surroundings. People were already fixing the window she broke. All other exits were guarded. There were two guards behind her, their spears inches from her back. She lowered her bow. "I have a message."
  "Then you may leave. There's a reason why we have a messenger. Guards, take-"
  "It's a message from the Lady Reyna herself." Thalia smirked at their reaction. Hera took a double take, Zeus tripped on his feet and Jason slowly sunk lower in his chair.
  Zeus sat back down in his throne. "Continue."
  "Reyna made it safely to Romania. The moment she got there though, Queen Hylla stepped down. She said she had been waiting for the day of Reyna's return. Reyna was coronated queen and Hylla joined the Amazons. After only a week she was promoted to Queen of the Amazons."
  "The Amazons?" Jason's tone made it clear he had no idea who they were.
  "If you're going to be king one day, little brother, you should know who the Amazons are," Thalia tutted.
  Jason turned red.
  "The Amazons are a group of girls that travel the world and teach men their place. They have stations in each kingdom and are headquartered on Delos. In fact, they are in Olympia right now so expect a visit if you will. Oh, and Reyna said to tell her if you hope to create an alliance in any other way than a marriage. " Thalia smiled. She  turned to her brother. "She deserves so much better."
  Zeus bristled. "Don't talk to my so-"
  "Later." Thalia spun around and grabbed a spear from an unsuspecting guard, using it as leverage and launched herself toward a window. She did a two fingered salute to the court before shattering the glass of the window beside the open one.
Don't look down.
  She jumped.

hey so update.
i changed the chapter titles to a color that represents the point of view. vote - comment :)
later, am

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